Keywords: conductive, drying kinetics, meat, thermal conductivity, nanopores, capillary, heat exchange, moisture content, cavitation


Food products with extended shelf life, including dried meat, are in demand among consumers, particularly in regions affected by conflict with russia. Disruptions in electricity supply, caused by the destruction of critical infrastructure due to missile attacks, further contribute to an increased demand for such products on a nationwide scale in Ukraine. Consequently, there is a need to explore environmentally friendly and energy-efficient methods for producing dried meat. One such method is conductive (contact) drying. Drying is a technology based on moisture removal from raw materials, complicating microbial development and chemical reactions that lead to food spoilage. Drying has found widespread applications in food technologies, ranging from traditional methods like convective, conductive, microwave drying, or natural drying, to modern techniques such as sublimation, radiation, vacuum drying etc. A scientific approach to studying conductive drying as a method of preserving food raw materials, including meat, involves reviewing theoretical aspects, which are a significant section in the study of this issue, as well as the physics of boiling in confined spaces of very small size – nanopores. This article is dedicated to exploring the theoretical foundations of conductive meat drying, including the analysis of heat and mass transfer processes, the physics of phase transitions on a nanoscale, the specific mechanism of moisture removal, and the influence of meat raw material characteristics on the process. Within the framework of the research, an analytical approach is used to study the interaction between the heating surface and the raw material. The main problem identified during the research lies in the complicated heat exchange between these two elements of the process. The authors consider factors influencing heat flow, analyzing possible ways to solve the identified problem: the first solution to the problem is determining the temperature of the heating surfaces, the second solution involves mechanically removing the layer of superheated vapor formed near the heating surfaces, and the third solution is compressing the raw material with heating surfaces with a certain effort. This article contributes to understanding the peculiarities of conductive drying and serves as a basis for further practical research aimed at optimization and achieving maximum quality and shelf life of food products, including meat.


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How to Cite
Skrypnyk, V. O., & Ponomarenko, B. G. (2024). ANALYTICAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE CONDUCTIVE DRYING PROCESS OF MEAT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 79-85.