The modern spectra of veterinary services in Ukraine
The paper presents the results of the analysis of the normative base of Ukraine regarding existing consumer rights in the field of veterinary services. It is shown that the consumer can receive both in the spectrum of informational and professional services in all directions (veterinary pharmacy, medical care, hygiene, sanitation and veterinary and sanitary examination) from specialists in veterinary medicine. The authors, analyzing the provisions of the existing Laws of Ukraine, are trying to prove the need to deepen the process of elaboration of the issues in adaptation to the EU legislation in various areas of providing quality services to the consumer, which are under the control of the veterinary service. The creation of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection has given impetus to the development of a modern national policy on the reform of the regulatory framework on these issues. However, there are many uncoordinated issues that have roots in the past that are not consistent with the market economy and the provision of affordable quality services. It is not always clear that veterinary services are part of a market relationship between a veterinary expert (the performer) and a consumer of these services. If the consumer's understanding of the purchase of medicines, animal care products, animal and plant products is clear, then his rights to receive quality services when performing diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures in respect of animals belonging to the consumer, many issues remain unobserved, ambiguous or go away in contradiction with the existing regulatory framework. Among such questions includes the sale and purchase of animals, the presence of counterfeit or inactive medicines, biological preparations, etc. In the current legislation, there are no rules that would regulate the timing of returning an animal when it detects certain diseases or vices. When judging cases requiring special knowledge in the sale and purchase of animals, the conclusion of specialists (experts) of veterinary medicine is especially important. However, all rights and obligations of a veterinary medicine specialist remain uncertain, which should be his education, remain uncertain (according to the latest normative documents, it is the Master of Veterinary Medicine, which is not reflected in the existing Law of Ukraine "On Veterinary Medicine"), the length of professional work, etc. The main subject of examination in the field of sale of animals are controversial issues that arise between the parties when the buyer identifies the defects that he could not see at the time of the purchase of the animal, as well as in the absence of it the qualities that should be present in accordance with sales agreement. An important issue is the provision and control of services involving the use of biologically active drugs (serums, vaccines, globulins) and to restrict access to those without special veterinary education and appropriate conditions of delivery and storage. There remain many uncertain issues regarding the practical application of the notion of non-pecuniary damage and the amount of its reimbursement in case of prolonged illness and death of the animal for which veterinary care was provided.
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