Keywords: «Diolaid» disinfectant, imitation of protein contamination, test objects, bactericidal efficacy, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923


The poultry industry of Ukraine needs rapid modernization to reduce the cost of production in compliance with high standards of its quality. The set of measures required for this includes the introduction of the latest environmental technologies and environmental protection of birds, animals, humans and the environment, which can be ensured by quality disinfection using new effective, safe and cheap disinfectants. The new Disinfectant disinfectant is able to meet the following requirements, according to the results of laboratory tests to determine its optimal concentrations in the simulation of protein contamination using test objects in the form of tiles, which were applied daily test cultures separately Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 and sterile inactivated bovine serum as a protein contaminant. Investigation of working solutions «Diolide» 0.04 % (100 mg / dm3 for chlorine dioxide); 0.06 % (150 mg / dm3); 0.1 % (250 mg / dm3) and 0.16 % (400 mg / dm3) were similarly performed three times at exposures of 20, 30 and 60 minutes. After sowing and incubation, the effectiveness of different concentrations of the new disinfectant «Diolaid» was determined by its ability to ensure 99.99 % of the death of treated test bacteria. The results of the experiments showed the ineffectiveness of all working solutions of the new disinfectant at an exposure of 20 min, which was confirmed by the growth of test cultures in all crops. The use of exposure at 30 min was effective, because the action of working solutions, starting from 0.06 % and higher concentrations of disinfectant «Diolaid» was observed complete neutralization of test bacteria, as evidenced by the complete absence of their growth in media with intensive growth in controls. According to the analysis of the experiments, the most optimal concentration of the working dilution of the new disinfectant «Diolaid» was set at 0.06 % (150 mg / dm3 for chlorine dioxide), because its action for 30 min and longer in the simulation of protein contamination provided 100.0 % neutralization of test bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923.


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How to Cite
Chechet, O. M., Kovalenko, V. L., Gorbatyuk, O. I., Gaidei, O. S., Kravtsova, O. L., Andriyashchuk, V. O., Musiets, I. V., & Ordynska, D. O. (2022). CONSEQUENCES OF BACTERICIDAL EFFECT OF DIOLIDE DISINFECTANT ON TEST OBJECTS WITH SIMULATION OF PROTEIN CONTAMINATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1 (56), 37-44.