Keywords: dogs, cats, Y. enterocolitica, intestinal yersiniosis,y ersiniosis infection, epizootology, therapy, sensitivity to antibiotics


The purpose of the research was to develop a scientifically based protocol for the treatment of dogs and cats with acute intestinal yersiniosis based on the study of the clinical features of the manifestation of intestinal yersiniosis and to determine its therapeutic effectiveness. The paper presents materials related to the review of scientific sources regarding therapeutic approaches for the treatment of animals suffering from intestinal yersiniosis, which is the basis for the creation of an own therapeutic protocol for the treatment of sick dogs and cats. The main directions of therapy and rehabilitation are determined depending on the course of the disease and possible complications of the disease-causing process. The therapeutic effectiveness of those proposed on the basis of the study of the pathogenesis of the disease, the modern sensitivity of the causative agent to antibiotics, the protocol of treatment and rehabilitation of dogs and cats affected by Yersinia enterocolitica is shown. Thus, when applying the therapeutic protocol in sick dogs, a decrease in clinical signs inherent to the disease was noted in the first group by 4.6 days, and in the second group by 5.3. The average duration of treatment was 12 days (until the pathogen was released). And the overall percentage of recovery of dogs was 85.7. The effectiveness of the proposed treatment protocol was tested on 32 animals with a confirmed diagnosis of intestinal yersiniosis. The animals were conditionally divided into two experimental and control groups. The proposed protocol was used to treat the animals of the first group, and the animals of the second group were treated according to the generally accepted empirical protocol used for gastrointestinal infections. The assessment of therapeutic effectiveness was determined by the disappearance of clinical signs inherent in this disease, and by checking the release of the causative agent into the environment. The treatment scheme for the acute course of intestinal yersiniosis in cats showed a not significantly lower percentage of recovery (78%) than in dogs. However, the complete disappearance of clinical signs in cats in the first group was established on the 5th day of treatment, and on the 7th day in the second group, which indicates a slower response to therapy. Nevertheless, summarizing the obtained data, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the proposed therapeutic schemes is quite high. The implemented treatment protocols are able to ensure a decrease in the level of pathogen elimination from the body of patients and prevent infection of animal hosts.


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How to Cite
Zon, I. H., Zon, H. A., Ivanovska, L. B., & Truba, O. O. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A THERAPEUTIC PROTOCOL FOR THE TREATMENT OF SMALL DOMESTIC ANIMALS SUFFERING FROM INTESTINAL YERSINIOSIS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1(60), 114-125.