Keywords: turkeys, industrial poultry farming technologies, aortic rupture, laterism, cardiovascular pathology, kidney pathomorphology, copper chelates


The work is devoted to the current problem of industrial turkey farming, One of the aspects of the pathology of the cardiovascular system ̶ ruptures of arterial vessels (laterism) in heavy cross turkeys in the final fattening period. The literature review presents the study of this issue in the global practice of industrial turkey farming. The most established etiological factors that cause this pathology in turkeys and instructions for the prevention of the disease are described. The aim of the work was to conduct a pathological and pathomorphological evaluation of problem areas of turkeys regarding the occurrence of laterism under the conditions of a balanced diet and feeding of copper chelates, aimed at improving the morphological state of the birds' vessels. 67 cadavers of male turkeys older than 13 weeks of the Converter cross that died of sudden death due to vascular ruptures were subjected to pathological examination. The general condition of the bird on the day of death, age, sex, pathological (primary and concurrent) factors that led to death, location of vascular rupture were evaluated. Pathological material was selected for pathohistological studies. Poultry diet was assessed for balance in nutritional ingredients, vitamins, macro-microelements according to age, sex, breed and fattening period. As a result of the research, it was established that despite the use of copper chelating compounds, cases of sudden death due to laterism are registered in male turkeys older than 13 weeks. The most common occurrence of laterism are the cranial renal (a.renalis cranialis) and caudal mesenteric (a. mesenterica caudalis) arteries from the thoraco-abdominal aorta. Lesions of the coronary arteries, capable of causing hemorrhages, were not detected in any of the examined corpses of Converter cross turkeys. Among the pathologies secondary to laterism, we detected localized or diffuse degenerative changes in the myocardium, as well as stagnantion processes were in individual systemic circulation vessels within in the liver and lungs. Stagnant hyperemia in the vessels of the venous system led to degenerative and inflammatory lesions within their membranes, resulting in effusion into the surrounding vascular space, damage to the endothelium, swelling of the elastic and collagen fibers in the median membrane with macrophagic proliferation.


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How to Cite
Zon, H. A., Ivanovska, L. B., & Maykovskiy, I. D. (2024). PATHOLOGY OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM OF TURKEYS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1(64), 18-24.