Keywords: piglets, pigs, rearing, fattening, gains, feed conversion, productivity, profitability


The article studied the intensity of growth, preservation, productive qualities and economic efficiency of rearing and fattening piglets under an unchanged liquid feeding system throughout the entire production cycle compared to a feeding system in which liquid feed was replaced with dry during rearing. It was established that experimental piglets from their liquid feeding in the suckling period showed a fairly high growth energy and good preservation. During rearing, piglets that remained on the liquid feeding system consumed about 20.9% more feed, showed 11.7% higher average daily gains and absolute gains, and reached a 9.2% higher mass at the end of rearing. At the same time, they had 10.5% worse feed conversion compared to their counterparts who were transferred to a dry feeding system after weaning from sows. It has been proven that the change in the feeding system during rearing led to a 2.6% decrease in daily feed intake during fattening, which in turn caused a 2.0% lower growth intensity, 1.0% lower absolute gains, a 2. 9% of the age of reaching the marketable weight of 120 kg, and together with a lower weight at the time of fattening, a 2.9% lower weight of piglets at the end of fattening. No significant differences were found between the group with an unchanged feeding system and the group of animals in which the feeding system changed during life, according to the survival of piglets during fattening, the payment of feed by increments and the complex index of fattening qualities. It was established that piglets after transferring them from liquid feed during the weaning period to dry feed during rearing consumed 20.9% less compound feed per head, had a 10.5% lower feed cost per 1 kg of growth, 17 .7% of the operating cost of raising one piglet, and 4.8% of its cost at the end of raising. But due to the lower intensity of growth, and as a result, less live weight at the end of the growing period, they had a 9.2% lower sales value, a 16.5% lower income from the sale of one head, and a 7.52% lower production profitability compared to with analogues in which the feeding system was unchanged during the weaning period and the growing–up period. During the fattening period of animals of this group, due to their better feed conversion, the feed and operational cost of fattening one head turned out to be 1.6% better, and due to the significantly lower cost of raising piglets, the operational cost of one pig head at the end of fattening was set at 5 .9% lower, at the same time, the market value of one animal of this group was 2.9% lower. Despite the higher selling price of one head of pigs, which had an unchanged feeding system throughout the entire production cycle, the income from their sale, due to the higher cost of rearing and fattening of these animals, turned out to be 1.7% lower compared to analogues in which the liquid feeding system changed during rearing on dry, which caused a 5.23% worse profitability of the entire process of obtaining breeding and fattening of pigs of this group.


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How to Cite
Tishchenko, O. S., Mykhalko, O. G., Myronenko, O. I., Kuzmenko, L. M., PanasovaТ. G., Zhelizniak, I. M., & Plechko, O. S. (2024). GROWTH, PRESERVATION AND EFFICIENCY OF PIG FATTENING UNDER CONSTANT AND VARIABLE IN THE POST-WEANING PERIOD ON REARING AND FATTENING FEEDING SYSTEMS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 111-121.