Keywords: carcass slaughter (weight), marbling of beef, fat watering, color of muscle and adipose tissue


The EUROP system provides for the grading of cattle for meat sales based on the meatiness (conformation) of carcasses and the degree of subcutaneous fat development. This is of great importance for the development of the international, including in Ukraine, classification of carcasses obtained from animals of different productivity directions. The article presents the results of the evaluation of the correlation between slaughter, morphological and technological characteristics of carcasses and their conformation (meatiness) in Ukrainian Black-and-White and Holstein bulls, which is used in the EU and other countries. The relevance of the work was to determine the need to use carcass conformation as a criterion for evaluating the slaughter traits of bulls of these genotypes at the age of 20 to 22 months. The study was conducted on 26 carcasses of domestic animals in the farm «Zhuravushka», Brovary district, Kyiv region. Immediately after slaughter, the conformation of the carcasses and their fat coverage, color of muscle and adipose tissue, marbling of meat, and the area of the «muscle eye» were assessed according to international methods. It was found that the development of fat under the skin (r=0,565; P>0,99), marbling class (r=0,399; P>0,95), the amount of second-grade muscle tissue (r=0,566; P>0,99), bones (r=0,608; P>0,999) and tendons and ligaments (r=0,419; P>0,95) significantly correlates with the conformation of carcasses in animals. There is a tendency to an inverse relationship between the conformation of carcasses and the content of adipose tissue (r=-0,306), positive with the weight of animals after fasting (r=0,193), slaughter weight (r=0,213), thickness of fat-irrigation (r=0,344), color of muscle tissue (r=0,201), and muscle tissue content in the carcass (r=0,255). There is no correlation between the conformation (meatiness) of carcasses and the content of muscle tissue of the highest and first grades, the area of the «muscle eye». The conformation (meatiness) of the carcass can be used to predict the content of second-grade muscle tissue and bones, tendons and ligaments, as well as the marbling of beef and the development of fat.


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How to Cite
Kruk, O. P., & Ugnivenko, A. M. (2024). CONFORMATION OF CARCASSES OF CROSSBRED BULLS AND ITS RELATION TO BEEF QUALITY TRAITS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 76-82.