Keywords: technology, biotechnological research, quality, shell


Тhe paper presents the results of the assessment of quality indicators and morphological features of chicken eggshells as bionanocomposite protective barrier structures based on the physical-geometric approach in thermochemical analysis. Considering this, the goal of our research was to develop a method for evaluating the quality of eggshells based on the "mass spectrometer – high-vacuum electric oven – PC" complex. This method provides an opportunity to evaluate the morphological and inextricably related mechanical and strength parameters using thermal desorption analysis (TDS). The method for determining the density and microstructure of calcite layers (CaСО3) as the basic ingredient of bird eggshells includes the study of the kinetic parameters of carbon dioxide (СО2; m/z 44 a.o.m.) from a shell sample weighing 0.5-5 μg, which is in vacuum in a quartz tube with a gradual increase in temperature (from 25 to 950 °C). The amount of CO2 is measured by gas mass spectrometry (mass spectrometer МХ-7304А (SELMI, Sumy, Ukraine) with subsequent computer processing of the obtained thermogram (the peak intensity curve in the mass spectrum, which is caused by CO2 ions, which is closely correlated with the amount carbon dioxide formed in the reaction of thermal destruction of calcite). The theoretical basis of our research is the works of N. Koga, who introduced the term physico-geometrical approach in thermochemistry, which demonstrates, in particular, the direct dependence of the shape and intensity of ion peaks on thermograms that correspond to certain components of the gas mixture formed when solid-phase structures are heated at high temperatures and thermal decomposition of these structures. Moreover, in addition to changes in the shape and intensity of the peaks, there are shifts of these peaks on the temperature scale, which correlate with the morphological and strength characteristics of the solid-phase structures. Analysis by TDS and electron microscopy (EM) of eggshells of chickens of three groups was carried out – 1 – control, 2 – eggs with calcite growths, 3 – eggs, the shell of which is characterized by a chaotic crystal structure and micro and macrodefects, and the existence of a direct relationship between the forms of thermograms characteristic of the shell of the specified eggs has been established. A library of typical shell thermograms has been created, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the qualitative and morphological features of the shell of chicken eggs.


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