Keywords: Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, ukrainian red-spotted breed, hope


As one of the selection features in dairy cattle breeding, productive longevity has been mentioned quite often in recent years, which, in our opinion, is primarily due to the fact that with more intensive use of animals, this duration began to decrease and some farms were affected by the problem of replacing culled animals with first-born children, which very often ceased to be enough. Therefore, this problem began to be closed due to the use of sexed sperm. But at the same time, the relevance of this issue has not been lost. As a result of research, it was established that on average for both breeds, the duration of their use was 2428 days, with the advantage of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy over the red-spotted. Animals of the Ukrainian black and spotted dairy breed had a period of economic use of 240 days more (Р>0.999) than animals of the Ukrainian red and spotted dairy breed. According to indicators of productive use, the advantage is also on the side of animals of the Ukrainian black and spotted dairy breed. This indicator was 1820 days, which is 290 days more than animals of the Ukrainian red-spotted dairy breed (Р>0.999). The longest duration of economic use in animals l. Chief 1427381 – 2669 days, which exceeds the others by 9 days l. Starbaka 352790, 108 days l. Bella 166736674, 118 days l. Eleveshna 1491007 (Р>0.95) and 234 days of animals l. Valiant 16504147315 (Р>0.999). Also, a probable excess is observed in animals l. Starbaka 352790 nad l. Valiant 16504147315 – 225 days (Р>0.999). No significant differences were observed between animals of other groups. The largest number of animals had a content of Holstein blood from 51 to 87.5%, accounting for 77.5% of the total number of experimental animals. At the same time, animals up to 50% – 11.7%, and more than 87.6% – 10.8%. It should be noted that according to the duration of economic and productive use, as well as lactation periods, there is a trend of their decrease with an increase in the blood content of the Holstein breed. Although at the level of blood in the genotype 62.6-75% there is a certain stabilization and a slight increase, with a further increase in blood, we have the following reductions in the duration of use, which reach 325 days for economic use, 268 days for productive use and 211 days for lactation duration. In terms of performance indicators, we also have certain differences between animals of different genotypic groups. For one day of economic use, the increase is 22.1%, for productive use – 23.4, and for a day of lactation – 23.0%.


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How to Cite
Rubtsov, I. A. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF LIFETIME MILK PRODUCTIVITY OF UKRAINIAN BLACK-SPOTTED AND RED-SPOTTED DAIRY COWS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 103-108.