Valuable genetic material of agricultural animals is listed in the State Register of Breeding Livestock Subjects. The importance of this matter is undeniable, as the information in this register serves as a benchmark for conducting a successful selection process. Moreover, continuous monitoring has established trends in the increase not only in productivity levels within breeds, types, and lines but also provides an understanding of population dynamics by their numbers. For a long time now, Ukraine has been facing military actions, with a part of its territory under temporary occupation. These and socio-economic conditions have triggered a mechanism leading to the reduction of the majority of agricultural animal populations, and in some cases, their disappearance (according to the register). For instance, there is no information available on three breeds of pigs (the Ukrainian Meat, the Ukrainian Steppe White and the Ukrainian Steppe Spotted), the Trakehner horse breed, the Angler and Ukrainian White-Headed cattle breeds, the Polissya bee breed, and breeds and crosses of ducks, quails, and the sericulture and fur farming industries. In 2023, the breeding livestock population totals 3180038 heads, with 82.5% in the poultry sector and 11% in dairy cattle. This dynamic indicates a decrease in the population of beef cattle (-734 heads), pig farming (-14179 heads), sheep farming (-3210 heads), including striped sheep (-1182 heads), horse breeding (-99 heads), and goose farming (-7.7 thousand heads), while simultaneously increasing in dairy cattle (+6061 heads), fish farming (+8504 heads), beekeeping (+534 bee colonies), and poultry farming (+96.7 thousand heads). Regarding the presence of breeds and types, they are distributed across the livestock sectors as follows: 12 for beef cattle and sheep farming, 11 for dairy cattle, 10 for horse breeding, and 7 for pig farming. Among the widely represented biodiversity, certain breeds stand out by their maximum share. For instance, the Large White pig breed accounts for 57%, the Holstein dairy cattle breed for 50.3%, the Romanov sheep breed for 41%, the Aberdeen Angus beef cattle breed for 42%, and the Ukrainian Riding Horse breed for 35%.
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