Keywords: fattening qualities, hybrid pigs, protein digestibility, diet, daily gains, feed conversion


To study the impact of different levels and degrees of protein digestibility in the diet supplemented with amino acid additives on the fattening qualities of hybrid pigs, an experiment was conducted to investigate the fattening qualities of F1 hybrid pigs obtained by crossing two-breed sows (LWxL) with terminal boars PIC-337. The experiment was carried out in the conditions of the "Ryabushkivsky Bacon" pig complex in the Sumy region. Various levels and degrees of protein digestibility were used in the pigs' diet. The study included 6 groups of 20 heads, divided by live weight and sex. During the leveling period, which lasted 30 days, all pigs received the same diet. After this period, 5 animals from each group with excessive or insufficient weight gain were removed. Then, for 16 days, the animals continued to consume the same feed with the goal of reaching a weight of 110 kg. On the 47th day of fattening, the pigs were divided into three groups by weight (58 kg, 66 kg, and 77 kg) and kept in pens with slatted floors, with 15 heads in each pen. The first half of the pigs received feed with easily digestible protein, while the second half received feed with hard-to-digest protein and the feed additive AminoPro. Throughout the entire experiment, all groups were provided with a dry compound feed of their own production, made from high-protein feed materials with the addition of crushed ingredients. The compound feed was distributed manually twice a day in feeders with partitions that allowed 15 animals to consume the feed simultaneously. The results of the study showed that lightweight piglets consuming a standard diet with easily digestible protein had a final weight that was 2.10 kg or 1.56% higher compared to those receiving a diet with hard-to-digest protein and the AminoPro additive. Pigs with an average initial weight that consumed the standard feed showed a higher weight by 2.60 kg or 1.84% compared to the control group. No differences were found in the pre-slaughter weight of pigs with the highest initial weight across different diets. The absolute gain in pigs consuming feed with AminoPro was 4.60 kg or 6.03% higher compared to those receiving standard feed. Daily gains were also higher in the average weight pigs that consumed the feed with AminoPro, by 53 g or 6.04%. No significant difference was found in the age at which animals reached a weight of 100 kg between those consuming standard and experimental feed. Pigs with a low initial weight that consumed standard feed had a better feed conversion of 0.07 kg per 1 kg of gain compared to those on the experimental diet. Average-weight pigs consuming experimental feed with hard-todigest protein had lower feed costs of 0.27 kg per 1 kg of gain compared to animals on the standard diet. A higher fattening quality index was established in all groups of pigs consuming the experimental feed, regardless of their initial weight. Additionally, a high correlation was observed between the initial and final fattening weights and other growth indicators. The study revealed a strong direct relationship between daily and absolute gains, as well as a moderate direct relationship between absolute and relative gains. Relative gain showed a weak but significant direct relationship with the age at which a live weight of 100 kg was reached, while absolute gain had a moderate inverse relationship with this indicator. The results of this study will be useful for pig complexes aiming to optimize feeding rations, improve daily gains, and reduce feed costs, which is essential for increasing production profitability.


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How to Cite
Butenko, R., & Kyselov, O. (2024). GROWTH INTENSITY OF PIGS ON FATTENING WITH THE USE OF AMINO ACID ADDITIVES IN AN INDUSTRIAL PIG COMPLEX. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 3-11.