Keywords: sheep, merino, Dorper, pre-slaughter live weight, slaughter yield, ripeness factor, pulp yield, bone yield


Sheep farming is a significant source of meat production. For example, the share of lamb in the country's meat balance ranges from 5-6.5%, and in some regions of the country, where it is an essential product for cooking national dishes, it reaches 30% or more. The successful development of sheep farming largely depends on taking into account the biological characteristics of sheep, which, unlike other ruminants, can consume many more plant species. They are undemanding to feed, using nutritious post-cutting residues and residual pasture vegetation after grazing by other species of animals quite efficiently. The slaughter yield, as one of the main economically useful traits in breeding for increased meat productivity, varied in the groups from 44.2 to 44.9%. The use of industrial crossbreeding of Merino ewes and Dorper rams contributes to an increase in the meat productivity of crossbred lambs in relation to purebred Merino lambs of this flock. In crossbred lambs, the area of the ‘muscle eye’ was 18.9% higher than in purebred counterparts. The results obtained indicate higher meat merits and better carcass quality of lambs of the crossbred group. The meat of the crossbreeds was more mature at the time of slaughter – the maturity coefficient was 43.59%, which is 1.24% higher than in the control. In terms of the amount of protein deposited in the carcass, an increase in its content was noted in crossbred animals. The weight of grade I cuts in absolute and relative terms was the highest in the carcasses of two-breed lambs. The advantage of young lambs of group 2 in this indicator was 16.8%. The meat quality of animals is also determined by the ratio of tissues in the carcass. In the process of studying the morphological composition of carcasses, a clear difference was found between the lambs of the experimental groups. In the carcasses of the crossbred lambs, the flesh content was 11.4 kg, which is 1.5 kg or 15.1% higher than in the control group.


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How to Cite
Holubenko, T. L., & Tkachenko, T. Y. (2024). MEAT PRODUCTIVITY OF SHEEP DEPENDING ON BREED CHARACTERISTICS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 22-29.