Reproductive qualities of sowings of Irish origin in purebreed breeding and crossing in an industrial complex

Keywords: sow, breed, crossbreeding, growth, fertility, preservation, nest weight


Studied the indicators of reproductive productivity of great white sows and landrace breeds in the conditions of the industrial complex at the central steppe of Ukraine using purebred breeding and reciprocal crossing. It was found that the differences in fertility in sows of the first, second and third groups were not detected, while in the local nests of sows of the third group was found (p<0,01) 1,1 heads more live piglets at birth. At the same time, the largest number of stillborn piglets of 12,41% was found in purebred nests of sows of large white breed, which is probably higher in comparison with analogues of landrace breed both in purebred breeding and crossing (p <0,01-0,001). There were no significant differences in the fertility of the animals of the experimental groups. Differences in the safety of piglets in purebred nests of large white and landrace animals were not found, while the crossing of queens of these breeds found a probable advantage of landrace animals over large white counterparts by 7,5% (p <0,05). The number of piglets weaned in purebred nests of sows of great white and landrace breeds was probably 0,7… 0,9 less compared to local nests of landrace sows inseminated with sperm of large white breed boars (p<0,001) and 0,2…0,4 heads in comparison with local sows' nests by reciprocal crossing (p≤0,05). In general, both variants of crossbreeding showed a tendency to increase the number of piglets at weaning compared with purebred breeding of parental forms. The nest weight of local piglets when combined sows of landrace breed with boars of large white breed (♀L×♂VB) was probably (p<0,05) 5,0… 5,3 kg higher compared to the nests of purebred animals. At the same time, domestic animals from the backcrossing of large white breed queens with landrace boars tended to exceed their purebred peers by 2,1-2,4 kg and were inferior to their counterparts when combining landrace sows with large white breed boars by 2,9 kg.


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How to Cite
Ogloblіa V., & Povod , N. (2020). Reproductive qualities of sowings of Irish origin in purebreed breeding and crossing in an industrial complex. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1 (40), 103-107.