Coefficients of Welsh sows SIRQS-index phenotypic consolidation

Keywords: pig breeding, technology, sows, reproductive capacity, multiplicity, coefficients of phenotype consolidation, seasons, age of animals.


The aim of the research, the results of which are presented in the article, was to study the influence of the age of sows and boars on their indicators of the SIRQS index, taking into account the season of the year and the age of the animals. The research was carried out in the experimental farm of SE Gontarivka, Vovchansky district, Kharkiv region. Natural mating of sows is used on the farm to reproduce the livestock. Insemination of sows was performed according to the study scheme. For the experimental work on the breeding farm, 35 heads of main sows and 4 Welsh boars of different ages and live weight were selected. Four groups of queens were formed. In order to study the impact of the season on the indicators of the SIRQS index of sows, the first series of studies was conducted in autumn, the second series – in the spring according to the same scheme. Used in both series of studies of the same animals. For different groups of animals, the SIRQS index ranged from 93.88 to 98.41 points. Although no significant differences were found between the groups according to the SIRQS index, significant differences were obtained in absolute terms. The best group exceeded the level of fertility of the worst group by 11.55% (p <0.05). Given that the index is a complex indicator that characterizes the overall level of reproductive capacity of sows, the values of live weight at weaning, taking into account the milk yield of sows, to some extent offset the differences between groups. At the same time, only four groups exceeded the average values for all groups. These groups were formed from queens of different ages. What they had in common was that they were inseminated with older boars. Within separate series of studies, the best values of fertility were also obtained using these boars. This, with a sufficiently balanced mass of nests during weaning, was the determining factor in calculating the SIRQS index. More consolidated values of the SIRQS index were for summer farrowing. Within the age periods, the least consolidated level of the SIRQS index during the winter farrowing period was observed in uteruses at the age of 18 months. for their insemination with boars of the same age. During the summer farrowing - age dams for their insemination with age boars. Instead, the most consolidated during the winter farrowing period were the uteruses of the younger uterus with boars at the age of 24 and 48 months. In the summer, the most consolidated were the uteruses of the younger uterus for their insemination with age-old boars.


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How to Cite
Tsereniuk , A., Martyniuk І., Akimov , A., & Vechorka , V. (2020). Coefficients of Welsh sows SIRQS-index phenotypic consolidation . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (41), 86-91.