Fattening qualities of Irish pigs origin at different types of feeding

Keywords: fattening qualities, type of feeding, fattening of pigs, liquid and dry feed


In order to study the impact of liquid and dry types of feeding on the fattening qualities of pigs, an experiment was conducted with livestock of two groups kept in fattening shops of one pig complex located in the Southern steppe of Ukraine. According to the results of the experiment, this article describes and compares the dependence of fattening qualities of pigs of Irish selection on the use of different types of feeding. At the beginning of the period, the fattening stock did not differ in average live weight, but at the end of the 106-day retention period, the animals consuming liquid feed probably exceeded their peers, who were given unmoistened feed mixtures by 8,8 kg or 7,1% (p<0,001). It was also found that animals kept for liquid feed consumption had 8,3 kg or 8,5% (p<0,001) higher absolute gains compared to animals that consumed dry food. It was proved that experimental pigs reared for fattening with liquid feed had a probable increase in the average daily gain over those grown using dry feed by 0,078 kg or 8,5% (p<0,001). Significantly higher relative gains in livestock were found than in analogues kept on dry mixes by 3,2 % (p<0,001) during the entire fattening period. It should be noted that the result of the consumption of dry feed was a significant lag of experimental pigs from analogues, who ate liquid feed daily according to the Age of reaching a weight of 100 kg by 7,8 days or 5,2%. However, different diets did not have a significant effect on feed consumption per 1 kg of gain. The index of comprehensive assessment of fattening qualities showed a higher score of 5,8 points or 16,1% in pigs reared with liquid type of feeding.


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How to Cite
Mykhalko , O. (2020). Fattening qualities of Irish pigs origin at different types of feeding. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 51-56. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2020.3.9