The influence of Holstein breed inheritance on the development of linear traits cows firstborn of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cattle

Keywords: Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, first born cows, linear type assessment, Holstein breed, conditional blood


The research was conducted to study the variability in the development of linear traits of the conformation type of firstborn cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed depending on the influence of the conditional blood of Holstein breed. The experimental basis was the selection information on the linear classification of cows of the breeding farm PE "Buryn'ske" Pidlisnivsky branch of Sumy region. Assessment of cows by type was carried out within three groups of crossbred animals with conditional blood of Holstein breed: I - 62.5-74.9; II - 75.0-87.4 and 87.5% and above.

A significant effect of the conditional proportion of blood by the improving breed on the conformation type of animals had been established. With increase in the inheritance of Holstein breed in crossbred cows, the score for linear traits of the type increased. Animals of the III group were better than their peers from I and II groups, respectively, by group traits of dairy type by 2.9 and 0.8 score, body - by 2.9 and 1.3 score, limbs - by 0, 6 and 0.5 score and udder - by 2.8 and 0.6 score. The final grade increased from 81.3 score (cows of the first group with Holstein inheritance 62.5-74.9%) to 83.9 score (cows of group III with Holstein inheritance 87.5% and above).

Excess of high-blood hybrids in the III group compared with the I-st and II-nd by descriptive traits of conformation was revealed on body depth, angularity, rear width, front and rear udder parts attachment, central ligament, udder depth and teats length.

The research results suggested that increasing inheritance of Holstein breed significantly improved cow’s conformation type of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, which should be taken into account in the selection process of improving animals of this breed by conformation type.


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How to Cite
Khmelnychyi , S., Povod , M., & Samokhina , E. (2020). The influence of Holstein breed inheritance on the development of linear traits cows firstborn of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cattle. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 63-66.

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