Egg production and honey productivity of different linear bees cross of carpathian breed
A promising area of breeding work in beekeeping is hybridization and the use of interbreed hybrids that provide in the first generation significant increase of productivity. Equally important is the development and mass introduction of interlinear hybrids of the most valuable breeds of bees and examined by offspring of lines. Given the above, the aim of our research was to study egg production and honey productivity of bees of different linear crosses of Carpathian breed. Studies have been conducted on bees of different genealogical formations of the Carpathian breeds in private apiaries in the village Navariya and town Brody of Lviv region. For experimental studies, 6 groups of 10 bee families in each were formed: I - control group - local bees of the Carpathian population (type "Vuchkivskyi" - 10 bee families); ІІ - experimental group - inbred group ♀UA3-5- 9-15.112-2018 x ♂ UA3-5- 9-15.112-2018 (♀ micropopulation "915" x ♂ micropopulation "915" – 11 bee families); ІІІ - experimental group - selection cross ♀UA3-65- 2019 х ♂ UA3-5- 9-15.112-2018 (♀ line "Sto" x ♂ micropopulation "915" - 10 bee families; IV - research group - selection cross ♀UA3-5- 35-2019 x ♂ UA3-5- 9-15.112-2018 (♀ Vuchkivska x ♂micropopulation "915" - 10 bee families); V - experimental group - selection cross ♀AE99-307 / 67- 2018 x ♂ UA3-5- 9-15.112-2018 (♀ line "Troisek 07" x ♂ micropopulation "915" – 10 bee families); VI - experimental group - selection cross ♀G. Macha ST-07 x ♂ UA3-5- 9- 5.112-2018 (♀ micropopulation of G. Macha x ♂ micropopulation "915" - 10 bee families). It was found that the egg production of queen bees reached maximum values in May-June. The best egg production was marked by queen bees ♀AE99-307 / 67-2018 x ♂ UA3-5- 9-15.112-2018 (♀ line "Troisek 07" x ♂ micropopulation "915") in the period from May 17 to 28, 2020. Following the results of spring and summer honey collections the highest indicators were characterized by bee families of breeding cross ♀G. Macha ST-07 x ♂UA3-5- 9-15.112-2018 (G. micropopulation G. Macha x ♂ micropopulation "915") - 27.7 kg.
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