Evaluation of qualitative characteristics of a cow’s milk and their correlation with the period of lactation

Keywords: cow, qualitative content of milk, yield, lactation period, variability, correlation, Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed.


There were presented the results of influence of lactation period on variable characteristics of milk productivity in first-calving cows of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed. A daily milk yield, the contents of fat, protein, fat-dry milk residue, and milk density were determined. During lactation, a significant decrease in variability of fat and protein was observed. A correlation between milk yield and qualitative characteristics of milk was determined. The most reliable periods for selecting cows based on their milk yield was 3-9 months of lactation, based on fat content was 1-3 months, content of protein – 2-4, fat-dry milk residue – 5-7, density of milk – 1-3 months. In a 305-day period, the least informative characteristics for predicting qualitative parameters of milk were characteristics obtained during the last 3-4 months of lactation.


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How to Cite
Omelkovych , S., Shuliar , A., & Shuliar , A. (2021). Evaluation of qualitative characteristics of a cow’s milk and their correlation with the period of lactation. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 108-112. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.2.16