The article compared the physicochemical parameters and the chemical composition of the longest back muscle (m. Longis-simus dorsi) in immunocastrated and non-castrated gilts obtained from hybrid sows of the Irish Landrace and Irish Yorkshire and boars of the synthetic line Maxgro after their slaughter in 110 kg and 130 kg. It was found that there were no significant disagree-ments in the physical and chemical parameters of the meat of immunocastrated and non-castrated gilts of both studied weight cate-gories. However, there was a tendency to an increase in the percentage of free moisture in the meat of immunocastrated animals after 48 hours and on the 6th day after slaughter, the water-holding capacity, the content of bound moisture in% to the total moisture and marbling in comparison with their non-castrated counterparts. At the same time, in terms of color and electrical conductivity after 48 hours and on the 6th day after slaughter, non-castrated gilts with live pre-slaughter weight of 110 kg had an advantage over their counterparts, while animals in the 130 kg weight category showed an opposite trend in terms of the studied indicators. From the analysis of active acidity indicator of the longissimus dorsi muscle, it was found that the maturation of muscle tissue in immunocas-trated gilts in both weight categories was somewhat slower than in non-castrated gilts. With an increase in the pre-slaughter live weight from 110 to 130 kg, the meat of both immunocastrated and non-castrated gilts gained more acidic reaction. According to the chemical composition of the longissimus dorsi muscle, significant differences between immunocastrated and non-castrated animals with different pre-slaughter live weight were not installed, and all the studied parameters were within the normal range for meat of the NORM category. According to the indicators of the mass fraction of moisture and ash, there was a tendency to their increase in the meat of immunocastrated gilts with a pre-slaughter live weight of 110 kg by 0.15% and 0.02%, and with a pre-slaughter live weight of 130 kg, respectively, by 0.20% and 0.01% compared to their non-castrated counterparts. It was determined that a large mass frac-tion of protein was in the meat of non-castrated gilts with a pre-slaughter live weight of 110 and 130 kg, respectively, by 0.21% and 0.18% compared to immunocastrated animals of the same weight categories. The mass fraction of fat in the muscle tissue of im-munocastrated gilts with a live weight of 110 kg was higher by 0.04% in comparison with the meat of their non-castrated counter-parts. At the same time, with a weight category of 130 kg in the longissimus dorsi muscle of immunocastrated pigs, the mass fraction of fat was 0.03% less than in non-castrated animals of the same weight category. According to the results of two-factor analysis of variance, the effect of the factor of the pre-slaughter live weight of animals, the type of castration and their interaction did not have a statistically significant effect on most of the studied physicochemical parameters, which in most cases depended on unaccounted factors. The obtained research results showed that the use of immune castration for gilts did not have a negative effect on the quality indicators of gilts' meat.
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