The article describes a comparative assessment of the morphological composition of carcasses and the ratio of individual tissues in immunocastrated and uncastrated pigs at different pre-slaughter weight based on the results of previous scientific re-search. Pigs for the experiment were obtained from crossing local sows of Irish Landrace and Irish Yorkshire and boars of the MaxGro synthetic line. The study found the highest meat content in the carcass weight of 71,8% had uncastrated pigs at a pre-slaughter weight of 110 kg. Other experimental pigs had this figure was 71,1%. Immunocastrated pigs weighing 130 kg had the larg-est share of fat in the carcass of 19,2%, which is 0,2% more than uncastrated pigs of the same weight category. The smallest share of adipose tissue was found in the carcasses of uncastrated animals with a pre-slaughter weight of 110 kg, which is significantly 0,8% less than their immunocastrated counterparts. The proportion of bones in the carcasses of experimental animals in both weight categories showed a tendency to slightly reduce this figure in immunocastrated pigs. Thus, the proportion of bones in the carcasses of uncastrated animals at pre-slaughter weight of 110 kg and 130 kg was statistically incredibly higher by 0,1% and 0,2%, respective-ly, compared to their immunocastrated counterparts. Immunocastrated animals with the best pre-slaughter weight of 130 kg had the best ratio of meat to bones. Their carcasses had 7,33 times more muscle tissue than bone, which is 0,ht category of 110 kg, no dif-ference in meat-bone ratio was found. The meat-fat ratio was better in uncastrated pigs in both weight categories. Uncastrated ani-mals at pre-slaughter weight of 110 and 130 kg tended to improve this ratio by 0,21 and 0,04 units, respectively, compared with the analogues of the experimental group. The use of immune castration for pigs does not have a negative effect on the morphological composition of carcasses. Their pre-slaughter weight had a greater influence on the morphological composition of both uncastrated and immunocastrated pigs. As it increased, bone content decreased and fat content increased, while muscle content remained virtually stable.
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