Keywords: slaughter, quality, morphological composition, genotype, feeding, pig breeding


The article explores the slaughter and meat-and-fat qualities of animals of different genotypes. The following indicators were determined: weight; slaughter mass; slaughter meat yield; half length; fat thickness; the area of the "muscular cell"; the meat and fat yield in the carcass, the morphological composition of the carcasses, the mass of muscle tissue. The experiments used pure-bred pigs of large white breed, Myrhorod, Poltava meat, landras and red white-bellied meat of pigs. The slaughter and meat-greasy qualities of the animals were determined by the following indicators: weight; slaughter mass; slaughter meat yield; half length; fat thickness; the area of the "muscular cell"; meat and fat in the carcass. The studies were carried out in accordance with standard guidelines. The morphological composition of the carcasses was studied by boning the right hemisphere. Muscle mass was deter-mined by the difference between the mass of the hemisphere and the total mass of fat and bone. On the basis of the obtained exper-imental data, the variance analysis of the influence of feeding forms on slaughter quality of pigs was carried out. On average, the total dispersion showing the total variability of the trait in slaughtering pigs with live weight of 100 kg ranged from 0.93 in pigs of Myrhorod breed to 1.01 in Poltava meat breed. The largest proportion of the impact of the feeding form on the slaughter output was observed in pigs of meat genotypes, in particular in Poltava meat 84.9-88.8% and red white-bellied pig breed 86.4-83.6%. The re-sults of slaughter showed the predominance of meat genotypes over the representatives of sebaceous and meat-sebaceous species in terms of slaughter output, half-carcass length, thickness of the spike and weight of the surrounding area. In modern conditions of pork production, animal fattening requires taking into account certain problems related to the influence of housing conditions, full feeding, sex and production efficiency - average daily gains, fat thickness, feed costs per unit of output. Fattening of pigs of different sexes should be organized according to their need for nutrients.


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How to Cite
BirtaH. О., Burhu, Y. G., Floka, L. V., HoriachovaO. О., & Khmelnytska, Y. V. (2022). SLAUGHTER QUALITIES OF PIGS DIFFERENT GENOTYPES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 64-70.