Keywords: breed, line, breeders, productivity, milk yield, weight


The results of studies of the influence of boars-producers of different breeds on the indicators of the reproductive quality of sows are given, the features of the manifestation of maternal qualities in sows depending on the breed of boars are studied, the intensity of growth of young pigs is studied, in the lactation period, depending on its genotype, a biometric assessment of the results of calculations is carried out economic evaluation study. The object of research were sows of the large white breed at "Kamchatka Ltd" Radushivka village, Shepetivka rayon, Khmelnytskyi oblast, and their offspring obtained from mating with boars of different breeds. Implementation of the data obtained as a result of the research made it possible to adjust plans for pork production on the farm. After the birth of offspring, the effects of breeding boars of different breeds on the reproductive qualities of sows were studied in groups: multifertility, high fertility, litter weight at birth, the average weight of piglets at birth, litter weight at 30 days of weaning, the weight of one piglet at weaning, survival of piglets, alignment nests. According to the research results, it can be seen that sows of the second group predominate in terms of multifertility. Fertility in sows of all groups ranged from 1.21 to 1.32 kg, and no significant difference in this indicator was found between the groups. The highest milk yield was shown by sows of the second group with an index of 77.62 kg. The offspring of Durok boars outperformed the offspring of other boars in terms of litter weight at weaning. According to the indicator of absolute growth, the animals of the third group are ahead with an indicator of 70.8 kg. Sows of the second group had the highest value on the evaluation index of maternal qualities. Such data of the index indicate a significant influence of the sire's breed on the maternal and reproductive qualities of sows. Having evaluated the sows of all three groups, using the index of maternal and reproductive qualities, we can say that according to these indices, the animals of the second and third groups show better results compared to the sows of the first group. This makes it possible to assert that sows covered with boars of the Landras and Durok breeds show better reproductive qualities in comparison with sows covered with boars of the Great White breed.


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How to Cite
Shcherbatiuk, N. V. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF THE GENOTYPE OF BOARS ON THE REPRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF SOWS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3), 54-59.