Keywords: reproduction, embryonic development, grow thint en sity, correlation relation ship.


Conducted studies on the influence of the type of constitution of ewes on the intensity of offspring growth during in trauterine development provedits presence in ewes of the Askanian meat-wooll breed with crossbred wool of the Odesa type (AMO). The research was carried out in the conditions of the «AGRO- DIS» farm of the Ananyivdi strict of the Odesa region on 3 groups of AMO ewes of different constitution types (strong, coarse, tender). Groups were formed according totthe principle of analogues, 50 head seach. Ewes were 4 years old, live weight 50 kg. The Merinolandshaf rams were 4 years old, had a live weight of 118 kg, and had a strong type of constitution. For ewes of all groups, the conditions of keeping and feeding were the same. It wases tabl is hed that the average duration of the in trauteine period of buck lambs and ewes was with in the species norm and was 157,09 – 158,27 days, regardless of the type of birt hand the gender of the lambs. The longest duration of this period was experienced by the offspring of mothers of rough constitution type, and the shortest by those of delicate constitution types. Signs of sexual dimorphism were observed betweens in gleton lambs (buck lambs and ewes), except for the offspring of mothers with a coarse constitution, and nodifferences were found between win lambs. The offspring of mothers with strong type of constitution had the highest live weig htat birth, which was 6,22± 0,130 kg forsingletons, 4,97± 0,171 kg fort wins; in ewes, respectively 6,04± 0,185 kg and 4,30± 0,190 kg. The offspring of mothers with a delicate type of constitution had the lowest live weight. It was 4,92 ± 0,260 kg in singleton buck lambs, 4,09± 0,140 kg in twin buck lambs; in ewes, respectively 4,69 ± 0,234 and 3,81 ± 0,216 kg. Insing leton lamb sobtrained from mothers of different types of constitution, a positive relation sheep wases tablis hed between the duration of the intrauterine period live weigh tatbirth. On average it is moderate in single ewes (r=0,34 ± 0,264), weakin sing lebuck lambs (r=028 ± 0,155). No correlation between the se fea tures hasbeene stablis hed in the off spring ewes of mothers with a delicate constitution. In the of spring of twins, obtained from mothers of all types of constitution the correlation relation sheep had a different orientation. In ewes, this relation sheep is negative, with the exception of the offspring of mothers with a coarse type of constitution, in which it is positive, average (r = 0,413 ± 0,252). Among the buck lambs, it is positive but weak (r = 0,27 ± 0,246). So, for AMO ewes, the most desirable types of constitution are strong and rough.


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How to Cite
Kitayeva, A. P., & Novichkova, A. O. (2023). INELUENCE OF THE TYPE OF EWE CONSTITUTION ON INTRAUTERINE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OFFSPRING. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 15-22.