Keywords: technology, pigs, feed additive, live weight, feed conversion, economic efficiency.


In the practice of modern animal husbandry, by optimizing the technology of pig production, special attention is paid to the introduction of intensive technological solutions to increase pig productivity through new feed additives of organic origin. The scientific work studied the effect on the productivity of young pigs during the growing period of the feed additive – phytobiotic Sangrovit Extra. The material for the study was hybrid young pigs obtained by combining two-breed sows (LW×L) with boars of the synthetic line PIC-337 of the PIC genetic company. The object of the study was the feeding processes, growth and feed consumption, and the efficiency of piglet rearing when feeding them with the phytobiotic Sangrovit Extra. The research was carried out in the growing room of LLC SPE Globinsky Pig Complex in Kremenchuk district, Poltava region. For the research in February 2023, 2650 piglets were selected. The young pigs were divided into a control group (group I) – rearing by basic technology (BT) and fed the basic diet (BD) and an experimental group (group II): BT (OR) + Sangrovit Extra product at the rate of 100 g per 1 ton of finished feed. The presented results of the scientific and economic experiment indicate that the use of the phytobiotic Sangrovit Extra did not have a significant positive effect on the growth rate and safety of piglets during their rearing. Animals of the control group (CT) had higher growth energy during the period of stable feed intake and reduced it during changes in dietary recipes. It was found that piglets of group II consumed 13.57% less of the first pre-starter feed and 6.72% more of the cheaper second pre-starter feed, which slightly reduced the cost per piglet. The use of Sangrovit Extra resulted in a 4.08% decrease in piglet growth rate and, as a result, a 2.99% decrease in piglet weight at the end of growing. The use of the drug improved the conversion of feed by 1.14% and reduced its cost per head by 4.36%, and by 8.32% per 1 kg of weight gain, which contributed to a 3.6% reduction in the cost of growing. We conclude that the use of Sangrovit Extra contributes to the slow biological effect of phytobiotics to increase the growth and productivity of animals during these periods of cultivation, which is not accompanied by sudden changes in homeostasis and side effects, and with constant use is likely to increase the impact on the efficiency of cultivation.


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How to Cite
Voloshynov, V. V., Povod, M. H., Lykhach, V. Y., Lykhach, A. V., & Nechmilov, V. M. (2023). DEPENDENCE OF PIGLET PERFORMANCE RESPONSES TO FEEDING THE PHYTOBIOTIC “SANGROVIT EXTRA”. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3), 22-30.