Productivity of outbreed and inbreed cattle of Ukrainian White-headed breed

Keywords: breeding methods, local breed, cattle, growth, productivity.


Among the methods of purebred breeding of farm animals, researchers are particularly interested in inbreeding, without which it is impossible to do not only in the breeding of farm animals, but also in preserving the biological diversity and unique qualities of local breeds. And although the problem of inbreeding has a long history of study, it is quite complex and multifaceted even now, with the modern development of genetics and selection, which requires further work, finding ways to manage the herd and breed, especially when the breed is small and bred in a closed population. The research was conducted on outbred and inbred heifers and white-headed cows of Ukrainian breed in LLC "Podilsky Gospodar" of Khmelnytsky region, which were divided into 5 experimental groups depending on the degree of relatedness and inbreeding rate. We studied the live weight of heifers in the process of rearing, reproductive ability and hopes of first-born cows on the basis of the database of the dairy management system of SUMS "Intesel-Orsek". It was found that outbred and inbred heifers of the Ukrainian White-headed breed in the process of rearing from birth to 18 months of age differed in live weight, but the difference between the groups was statistically insignificant. In different periods of growth, both outbred and inbred animals were preferred, indicating the possibility of use in the herd along with unrelated breeding of related. In general, during the period of growth from birth to 18 months of age, outbred heifers in live weight outperformed animals of the group of remote and close inbreeding by 6.0 kg and 2.0 kg, but were inferior to the representatives of moderate and close inbreeding by 3.0 and 13.0 kg, respectively. The expediency of obtaining and using inbred animals of the Ukrainian White-headed breed is confirmed by the results of studying the reproductive capacity of cows, according to which inbred cows were inseminated for the first time 0.5–0.9 months earlier than outbred ones. At the same time, outbred blood during the first lactation produced 41–292 kg more milk than inbred blood of distant, moderate and close inbreeding rates, but 150 kg less than the group of cows of close inbreeding without statistically significant difference between groups. With this in mind, a generalized conclusion was made about the possibility of related breeding of Ukrainian White-headed breed of cattle.


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How to Cite
Voitenko , S., & Sydorenko О. (2020). Productivity of outbreed and inbreed cattle of Ukrainian White-headed breed. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (41), 33-39.