Influence of hunting stimulation and ovulation synchronization on morpho-biochemical indicators of Holstain cow blood

Keywords: milk yield, stimulation, synchronization, total protein, erythrocytes, calcium phosphorus.


The statute to avenge the results and advances in hematological and biochemical indicators in the blood before the exogenous hormonal stimulation of the reproductive function of Holstein cows of the growth of productivity at the industrial complex. Morphological and biochemical indicators of blood began with a hand before the ear of the scheme of stimulation of hunting and synchronization of ovulation "Ovsynch", and then after it. Formation of the pre-previous groups was carried out in the form of fallow ground and additional milk yield: I group – 25-28 kg, II group (control) – 30-35 kg, III – 40-45 kg. Blood sampling was performed from the tail vein in healthy cows after 15 days after calving (before hormonal stimulation) and for 80 additional hours after calving, if the creatures had already taken off hormone-like stimulating drugs. It was established that the number of erythrocytes in the blood of the blood of the older groups during the preparatory period (before the hormonal processing of the food) to improve the productivity of the milk. Moreover, the indicator of the level of hemoglobin of tvarin in the most recent groups according to the physiological norms. The exogenous introduction of gonadotropic speech into the organism of Holstein barks at the early stage of the period (10-14) cannot be produced until the level of morphological indicators of blood is changed. It was established that there is a high level of blood cells (8.10) and leukocytes (9.0) in the blood of the IIІ group of tvarins, which are small for 41.0 kg of milk. The quantitative content of total blood protein in animals of all experimental groups was within the physiological norm, but the largest amount (95) was observed in blood samples of group III animals after hormonal stimulation of estrus. At the same time, the level of hemoglobin in these cows was 125.4 g/l, with a total blood protein content of 95.2 g/l. Indicators of mineral metabolism in cows of group III indicate the content of calcium and phosphorus at the level of 3.24 mmol/l and 1.28 mmol/l, respectively. Physiological and biochemical processes in animals of all groups both before and after stimulation of hunting and synchronization of ovulation in the conditions of an industrial complex pass without disturbances, as evidenced by the reference level of ALT and AST, and the highest content of transaminases was observed in cows of group III after hormonal stimulation.


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How to Cite
Honchar , A. (2020). Influence of hunting stimulation and ovulation synchronization on morpho-biochemical indicators of Holstain cow blood. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (41), 40-46.