Biotechnological bases of design technology "green article" for control of characteristics of bioceramic protective layer of eggs shell of hens in technological process of incubation

Keywords: biotechnology, technology, chitosan, nanotechnologies, egg incubation, disinfectants.


The authors theoretically substantiated and practically proved the effectiveness of the developed method of pre-incubation treatment of eggs using biomimetic technology "artificial cuticle" "ARTICLE" ("ARTIficial cutiCLE") "GREEN ARTICLE" to improve the structural and physiological characteristics of the shell as a bioceramic shell. in the formation on the surface of the egg of a protective film of a mixture of artificial and natural materials, which regulates the level of gas permeability of the bird's egg shell. The protective film is a multicomponent coating to restore and enhance the barrier properties of the bioceramic structures of the shell and shell membranes, which has biocidal (antibacterial and antiviral) activity, as well as the ability to optimize embryo gas exchange during incubation and improve fertilization processes. The aim of our work was to develop the technology of pre-incubation treatment of chicken eggs "GREEN ARTICLE" using protective nanocomposite coatings "Artificial Cuticle", which were created on a biomimetic basis, to reduce contamination with pathogenic microflora and increase hatchability of eggs. For the experiment, three batches of eggs were formed, which were obtained from laying hens Legorn white, 540 pieces in each group. Each batch had a control and an experimental group. Incubation was performed in an incubator "Universal" for 21 days according to the method. The first group of eggs before laying for incubation was treated with acid-soluble chitosan, the second - water-soluble chitosan, the third - water-soluble chitosan succinate. The percentage of lack of incubation, hatching and hatching of chickens was calculated. Before laying for incubation, as well as on the seventh and eighteenth day of incubation, before transferring the eggs to the hatch, took washings from the surface of the shell and examined them for microbial contamination. It is proved that the use for pre-incubation disinfection of chicken eggs of a composition based on acid-soluble chitosan with the addition of peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and metal nanoparticles (nanodisperse titanium dioxide TiO2, iron oxide Fe2O3 and copper sulfateCuSO4), stimulates the development of by 7,7% relative to control. GREEN ARTICLE technology for pre-incubation treatment of eggs using the drug "Artificial Cuticle" leads to a significant reduction in the number of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the shell, which leads to increased hatchability of eggs.


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How to Cite
Bordunova , O., Samokhina , E., Khmelnychyi , L., Povod , M., Vechorka , V., & Popsuy , V. (2020). Biotechnological bases of design technology "green article" for control of characteristics of bioceramic protective layer of eggs shell of hens in technological process of incubation. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 27-32.