Improvement of technology of producing processed cheese with filler

Keywords: processed cheese, recipe, filler, mushrooms, technology, taste, consistency, color, organoleptic evaluation, evaluation scale.


The development and comparative evaluation of two experimental recipes for the production of pasty processed cheese with different specific amounts of filler "Mushrooms" using the same technology of processing raw materials and similar ratios of components was carried out. The main distinguishing feature of the recipes was the mass fraction of filler "Mushrooms": "moderate" - 24 g and "high" - 36 g per 1 kg of the original mixture. Experimental formulations were processed using the Microsoft Excel Solver. After the production of processed cheeses, their energy value was established: 262.7 kcal / kg for processed cheese with "moderate" and 260.7 - with "high" content of "Mushrooms" filler. Scales for assessing the organoleptic characteristics of pasty processed cheeses on the basis of traits "comprehensive assessment of taste and smell", "ratio of cheese and mushroom taste and aftertaste", "severity of mushroom aftertaste", "uniformity of taste sensations over time", "color of processed cheese base", "structure of processed cheese" and consistency of processed cheese" were develop. Thus for each organoleptic sign 5 gradations with the verbal description of sensations of the expert which in each subsequent gradation gradually change from undesirable (1 point) to desirable (4 or 5 points) are provided. In the process of expert evaluation, the best option in terms of taste was determined - pasty processed cheese with a "moderate" filler content "Mushrooms". It has an excellent pleasant, not sugary cheese taste with a light mushroom aftertaste. At the same time, the pleasant cheese taste is successfully correlated with a light mushroom taste, and the expression of the taste is uniform over time. Processed cheese with "moderate" filler content "Mushrooms" significantly (p <0,01) differed from processed cheese with "high" filler content by "comprehensive assessment of taste and smell" and "severity of mushroom aftertaste" with the difference between cheese variants in Δ = 1.0 points and Δ = 1.2 points, respectively, in favor of the "moderate" option. A significant (p <0.001; Δ = 2 points) difference between processed cheeses with "moderate" and "high" content of "Mushrooms" filler was established on the basis of "ratio of cheese and mushroom taste and aftertaste". Processed cheese with a "moderate" content of "Mushrooms" filler also had a more attractive light yellow color - against a less attractive grayish hue of processed cheese with a "high" content of "Mushrooms" filler. The difference between these two cheeses is Δ = 2.8 points (p <0.001). Both varieties of processed cheese were characterized by a homogeneous, free of structure and "smear" consistency.


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How to Cite
Shablia , V., & Poboina , E. (2020). Improvement of technology of producing processed cheese with filler. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 93-100.