The effectiveness of sires use, assessed by conformation type of their daughters, in the herd for breeding dairy cattle

Keywords: Holstein breed, linear type estimation, correlation, conformation body parts


Research sires of Holstein breed was carried out for conformation type of their daughters in the conditions of particular farm. The modern method of linear classification recommended by the international organization ICAR was used for assessment. Cows at the age of the first lactation were evaluated for 2-4 months after calving on a 100-score and 9-score scale. Studies conducted in the herd of PE “Burynske” Pidlisnivskoyi branch Sumy region. Comparative analysis of sires made it possible to identify among them conformation type improvers by linear assessment of their daughters. According to results of sires estimation by 100-score system of linear classification, the highest scores for development of group traits and final assessment were sires McDaddy 138438344 (83.5-84.6 and 84.2 score) and J. Rueben 137936344 (83.4- 84.4 and 83.7 score). In general, daughters of all estimated Holstein sires inherited good development of all conformation body parts, as evidenced by estimates of descriptive traits, level of which exceeded average value of their development in the breed. The exception concerned only front and rear teats position and pelvic limbs angle in daughters of certain sires. Productivity daughters estimated by linear classification of sires for highest yield per lactation, depending on the assessment level of body parts that characterize dairy type expression (r = 0.244-0.424), body development (r = 0.286-0.386), udder (r = 0.312-0.461) and final score (r = 0.318-0.475) with reliability P <0.05-0.001. With varying degrees of reliability, installed positive correlation between milk yield and descriptive traits: height in rump (r = 0.124-0.303), body depth (r = 0.226-0.324), angularity (r = 0.277-0.395), rump width (r = 0.214-0.287), pelvic limbs posture (r = 0.217-0.286), front udder parts attachment (r = 0.244-0.384) and negative - between body condition and milk yield (r = -0.118… -0.322). In the process of improving the herd for breeding Holstein breed on the conformation, it is necessary to actively use sires, estimated by the method of linear classification of their daughters, which will ensure the effectiveness of herd selection by type and dairy productivity.


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How to Cite
Khmelnychyi , L., & Karpenko , B. (2020). The effectiveness of sires use, assessed by conformation type of their daughters, in the herd for breeding dairy cattle . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(43), 3-12.