Lifetime of cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy and Holstein breeds, depending on the level of assessment of descriptive traits characterizing the body development in the general system of linear classification of the conformation type

Keywords: Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, Holstein, linear type traits, lifetime.


The research was conducted in the aspect of studying the problem of dairy cows lifetime depending on the linear traits assessment of the conformation type. It was estimated according to the linear classification method of firstborn cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy (UBWD) and Holstein (H) breeds. Descriptive traits of the conformation that characterize the general body structure were studied: chest width, body depth, angularity, body condition, rear width and position. According to the research results, the relative variability of scoring of the descriptive traits of type with cow's lifetime was determined. The relative variability of breast width and lifetime of cows was curvilinear. Cows with an assessment for breast width of 4-7 score had a higher lifespan with a variability of 2704-2844 (UBWD) and 2688-2789 (H) days. The highest lifetime was in animals with a score for body depth development of 6-9 score with an unreliable predominance of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed cows, with the highest rates of both breeds 2824 (UBWD) and 2802 (H) days with an assessment of nine score. Animals with an optimal angularity estimation of five score lived the longest - 2842 (UBWD) and 2828 (H) days, while with increasing and decreasing score for this trait, the number of cow's lifetime days declined. According to the assessment of the rump width, lifespan was highest in cows with a nine score - 2766 days (UBWD) and 2832 days (H). Cows UBWD with the highest estimate for this body part development of 9 score were used on 592 (P <0,001), and Holstein by 708 (P <0,001) days longer compared to animals with one score. The maximum lifetime of animals with an average rating for body condition of five score was 2842 (UBWD) and 2774 (H) days. Cows with body condition score below average lived and were used in the herd much longer than with a higher one. The degree of relationship variability between the assessment of these traits and the lifespan of animals depended on the specific body part.


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How to Cite
Khmelnychyi , L., & Karpenko , B. (2021). Lifetime of cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy and Holstein breeds, depending on the level of assessment of descriptive traits characterizing the body development in the general system of linear classification of the conformation type. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1(44), 11-22.