Comparative assessment of heifers of Ukrainian Black-and-White and Red-and-White dairy breeds by growth, measurements and live weight gain in Chernihiv region

Keywords: Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy, Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy, measurements, indices, conformation.


The state of breeding repair young cattle of dairy productivity has always been of interest to livestock specialists. This was primarily due to the fact that under optimal conditions, the phenotype of animals was formed, which approached the genetic potential of milk productivity. In today's market relations, this is of great importance for obtaining high quality products with minimal costs and lower costs. Therefore, the aim of the article was to compare the growth characteristics of animals of the two main breeds bred in Ukraine, as well as to establish the features of the formation of the exterior and milk type in repair heifers at different ages. The research was conducted in the conditions of PLAE (private leased agricultural enterprise) "Hliborob" of Ichnia district of Chernihiv region. A comparative analysis of the state of growing repair young stock of Ukrainian black-and-white and red-and-white dairy breeds was carried out by analyzing the live weight from birth to 18 months, and taking basic measurements with subsequent calculation of body structure indices. No significant difference between animals of both breeds in terms of growth was found. So at birth and at 3 months there was no difference at all. At 6 months, she weighed 3.1 kg in favor of heifers of the Ukrainian red-and-white dairy breed. At the age of 6 months, we observed some excess of the animals of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed by 3.3 kg. This excess was observed in the future, and already at 18 months was 8.1 kg, but as in previous periods, it was incredible. Daily gains for this period ranged from birth to 3 months 779.4 and 778.3 g, respectively, for Ukrainian black-and-white milk and Ukrainian red-and-white milk, from 3 to 6 months 818.6 and 853.1 g , from birth to 6 months 799.0 and 815.7 g, from 6 to 12 months 807.3 and 771.9 g, from birth to 9, 12 and up to 18 months 808.8 and 801.1 and 792.1 and 782.9 g and 751.9 and 736.9 g. In all age periods, no significant difference between breeds was found. The recurrence rate of live weight at birth with live weight at 3 months in Ukrainian black-and-white dairy animals was + 0.138, at 6 months +0.134, at 12 months +0.104, at 18 months +0.105. In the first two periods it was probable (P> 0.95), then in recent periods it is improbable. Indicators of measurements and body structure indices also indicated that animals of both breeds are well developed, have a clear bias towards the formation of dairy animals.


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How to Cite
Rubtsov , I. (2021). Comparative assessment of heifers of Ukrainian Black-and-White and Red-and-White dairy breeds by growth, measurements and live weight gain in Chernihiv region. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1(44), 80-85.