Evaluation of feeding techniques of service dogs in the conditions of the training laboratory of cynology of polish national university

Keywords: German shepherd, feeding technique, service dogs, content, diet, meat, fish, cereals, supplements, blood indicators, economic efficiency.


The article evaluates the technique of feeding service dogs in the training laboratory of cynology of Polissya National University. Analyzing the reports of the cynology laboratory, it should be noted that the number and breed composition of dogs over the past 3 years is gradually increasing and at the end of 2020 is: German Shepherd - 10 heads, Central Asian Shepherd - 4, Labrador - 4, Samoyed - 2, Dalmatian - 1 head. The basis of the diet for service dogs are animal feed (offal, meat, milk and dairy products, animal fat), vegetable origin (oatmeal, barley, millet, vegetables), sea fish or seafood, mineral supplements, bone meal, salt kitchen), vitamin preparations (tetravit, katozal). In the training laboratory, dogs are fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, about 1.5 hours before work and 30-60 minutes after work. Feeding dogs depends on the daily routine. Dogs guarding the area at night are fed 80-120 minutes before work, and in the morning after being removed from guard after rest. Watering service dogs without restrictions. The results of blood tests prove to us that all physiological processes in the body of animals occur normally, without deviations. In terms of cost-effectiveness calculations, the data suggest that the cost of feeding animals at rest is 2,115 hryvnias lower than that of dogs on duty. This is due to the fact that animals that are involved in the protection of objects, areas, consume much more energy and need an increased need for nutrients (meat, fish).


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How to Cite
Mamchenko , V., Lavryniuk , O., & Vechorka , V. (2021). Evaluation of feeding techniques of service dogs in the conditions of the training laboratory of cynology of polish national university. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 103-107. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.2.15