Keywords: growth, measurements, body structure, heifers, Sumy intrabreed type, Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy


The results of research on the assessment of repair heifers of Sumy intrabreed type of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed on the indicators of growth and development using linear measurements body parts of the conformation and live weight gain have been presented. The assessment of repair heifers by the main conformation measurements and live weight within the formed age groups from birth to 18 months of age was carried out in the herd of the private enterprise "Burynske" Pidlisnivska branch of Sumy district. 11 main measurements of the body parts were determined: withers and sacrum height, chest depth and width (with a measuring stick); width in hook bones, in hip joints and ischial humps; lateral rear length (measuring compass); oblique body length, chest and pastern girth (measuring tape). The animals were weighed on the day of the measurements. Heifers were characterized by the most intensive growth in the milk period of their development, later this process slowed down. The implementation of this feature provided a relative increase in live weight from birth to 3 months of age at the level of 97.0%, in subsequent periods - from 3 to 6 months, respectively - 50.8%, from 6 to 9 months - 29.9%, from 9 to 12 months - 20.9%, from 12 to 15 months - 13.7% and from 15 to 18 months - 11.9%. The development of live weight of repair heifers of Sumy intrabreed type ensured its increase at the time of mating age at the level of 425 kg, providing the requirements of the desired type. Based on the age dynamics of growth, the parameters of linear growth standards from birth to 18 months of age have been developed, the use of which allows to control the process of intensity growing repair heifers.


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How to Cite
Ladyka, V. I., & Khmelnychyi, S. L. (2022). AGE PARAMETERS OF LINEAR GROWTH OF HEIFERS OF SUMY INTRABREED TYPE OF UKRAINIAN BLACK-AND-WHITE DAIRY BREED. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 3-6.