Keywords: growth intensity, feed type, pig fattening, feed conversion


In order to determine the impact of changes in feed type during the transfer of pigs from rearing to fattening on their fattening qualities, an experiment was conducted. The experiment used livestock obtained from local sows of large white and landrace breeds and boars of synthetic line 337 of the American company PIC in the amount of 500 heads. For the study, three groups were formed, which differed from the previous type of feed for rearing and subsequent type of feed for fattening and had different equipment for preparation, transportation and distribution of feed mixtures. It was found that the safety of livestock of the control group, which switched from dry feed to dry, was higher compared to analogues, which were transferred from dry to liquid – by 0,41% and peers who ate only liquid feed, both on rearing and and for fattening by – 1,44%. A statistically significant predominance of the experi-mental group III group, which consumed liquid feed mixtures on rearing, was obtained in terms of average daily gain over animals, which during rearing were put on a dry diet by 22,2 kg or 2,54% (p < 0,001 ) – in relation to pigs of the II experimental group and by 27,1 kg or 3,10% (p <0,001) – in relation to pigs of the I control group. Also confirmed the advantage of the experimental young ani-mals of group III in terms of relative growth, which amounted to 1,2 kg or 0,91% (p <0,001) compared with the control. But for group II livestock, it was not significantly predominant. Pigs that consumed dry feed on both rearing and fattening showed better preserva-tion rates by 0,4% and feed conversion by 0,05 kg or 1,76% – than in the second experimental group and by 0,11 kg or 3,87% – than in the third experimental group. The design features and technological characteristics of the equipment for preparation and distribution of feed did not have a confirmed effect on the fattening characteristics of pigs. The index of fattening qualities was better in pigs that were transferred from liquid to liquid feed for fattening compared to analogues that were transferred from dry to dry diet – by 2,8 points, and compared to peers that were transferred from dry to liquid – by 2,1 points.


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How to Cite
Povod, M. H., Mykhalko, O. H., Verbelchuk, T. V., Shcherbyna, O. V., & Tishchenko, O. S. (2022). FATTENING QUALITIES OF AMERICAN PIGS ORIGIN AT DIFFERENT TYPES OF FEEDING. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 125-132. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.4.21