Keywords: cynology, guard dog, working qualities, breed, correlation,


During the research, the materials of competition reports for 2009-2014 on applied types of dog training under the national program "Guard Dog - A", which is part of the complex of security and protective programs "Vidsich" of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Kennel Union of Ukraine" were evaluated. The assessment of working qualities was carried out on a 100-point scale, respectively, the demonstration of the animal 5 skills:reaction to the sound of a shot, reaction to treats, guarding the post, guarding the guide and social adaptation. Studies have found that the best results at competitions are shown by italian cane corso dogs (95.00±1.51 points), and a relatively small variation coefficient of 5.52%. In addition, it is recommended to select the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Shepherd Breed Group for training dogs, which are statically high scores according to the average rating of working qualities (88.57-90.81 points; P≥0.999). Given the criterion of probability, there is a positive relationship between the assessments of the protection of the post and the conductor to the total score for the implementation of the "Guard Dog-A" program. Moreover, the highest value of the correlation coefficient was recorded in the breed Russian black terrier 0.98±0.07 with a probability of R≥0.999 for the implementation of the third skill. It is thanks to the obtained results of the correlational relationship of the assessment of the skills of guard dogs to the overall assessment at competitions that it is from the assessment of the protection of the post and the conductor that the final score of the "Guard Dog-A" program depends to a greater extent. Taking into account the reliable relationship of skills in a certain order to the overall assessment, we recommend making changes to the assessment system of this program, namely giving greater priority when assessing security skills in points and reducing the score of other skills.


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How to Cite
Була, Л. В., Svysenko, S. V., & Pavlenko, Y. M. (2022). ESTIMATION OF DOGS OF DIFFERENT BREEDS ON INDEXES OF WORKING QUALITIES ON COMPETITIONS FROM NATIONAL PROGRAM TRAINING "GUARD DOG". Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 191-197.