Reproductive qualities of sows of danish and french origin in the conditions of the industrial complex

Keywords: sow, pig, genotype, season, reproductive qualities


This study compared the reproductive qualities of sows of French and Danish breeding during the year in the same farm. The results showed that animals of Danish origin had 16,02–18,73% higher potential multiplicity during the year, with 1,07–1,57% higher number of stillbirths. Danish sows had a higher multiplicity of 15,13–17,70% and had a greater number of piglets when weaned compared to their French breeding pigs by 14,21–15,82%. At the same time, sows of French origin differed by 7,75–14,52% higher inbred and higher by 15,16–26,26% by weight of one piglet when weaned. Piglets are not established by birth weight and weaned differences between groups of sows of different origin. The reproductive qualities of sows, both French and Danish, depended on the season. The least of the season depended: multiplicity of 3,68–4,37%, preservation of piglets before weaning – 3,32–5,34%, number of piglets in weaning – 5,40–6,83%. The individual mass of piglets when weaned was the most dependent on the changes of the seasons – 11,28–13,34% and the mass of piglets' nests during this period – 12,74–17,49%. More seasonal variability differed sows of Danish origin. The heaviest piglets were weaned from both sows in winter and the lightest in summer. The weight of the piglets' nests in both groups was higher in winter and spring compared to summer and autumn. Significant significant influence of the sows 'genetic identity on the weight of one piglet when 43,69% were weaned was established, the weight of the piglets' nests in this period was 40,39% and on the multiplicity of 19,13%.  The influence of sows' genetic identity on conservation has not been established. The season of the year had a much weaker effect on these indicators: 4,87% of the piglets' nests were weaned, 3,15% of the piglets were weaned, and 2,77% of the piglets were preserved. The impact of seasons on multiplicity has not been established. The interaction of sow genetic factors and seasons had a significant effect on: multiplicity of 47,22%, weight of one pig when weaned – 43,60%, weight of piglets' nest when weaned – 40,39%, and preservation of piglets – 2,77%. The index of comprehensive assessment of sows' reproductive qualities was 11,47% higher in Danish animals than in the French livestock population during the year.


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How to Cite
Mykhalko, O., & Povod, M. (2019). Reproductive qualities of sows of danish and french origin in the conditions of the industrial complex. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1-2(36-37), 27-37.