Evaluation sires of line type score and milk quality of their daughters
The article estimates of Sires of Line Type Score and Milk quality of their Daughters. The studies have made it possible to differentiate of Line Type Score and the Udder of their Daughters. According to the results of the variance analysis, the effect of the Sires on the Dairy Strength of the cow was 18,2 % , the Frame – 10,5 %, the condition of the Feet and Legs – 17,3 % (P>0,95), the Mammary – 16 ,2 % (P>0.95). On the exterior features that characterize the Dairy Strength, significant variability was observed with fluctuations from 80.1 to 82.9 points, Frame - from 80,6 to 82,7 points. The economic use of animals in modern industrial technology of stable nursing depends largely on the desirable development of the features of the Feet and Legs. The lowest score for a complex of the Feet and Legs was in daughters of the Besson 393035302 (79,8 points), and the highest in the descendants of Chapman 0347903595 – 81,3 points. The variability of the Mammary ranged from 78,7 points (Eldorado's daughter 579136891) to 82,3 points (Chapman's daughter 0347903595), with a difference of 3,6 points. Among the descendants of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed used in "Gontarivka", Chapman's Sire 0347903595 was found with the best Line Type Score (83,0 points), whose daughters were characterized by desirable development of Body Type and Udder (P>0,95). The degree of influence of the sires on the milk yield and quality composition of milk of their daughters and, in particular, the content of somatic cells was determined by means of analysis of variance. The highest daily milk yield was obtained from daughters of the sire Eldorado 579136891, which is 2,2 kg of milk more than the daughters of Domino 1500162599. The best fat and protein content in milk was found in daughters of the sire Besson 393035302, but also the content of somatic cells in them also the highest that can indicate the presence of subclinical mastitis. The power of the bulls is low, although there is a genetic predisposition of the animal to the heightened content of somatic cells.
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