Detonation synthesis ultrafine suspension of nanodiamonds influence at ewes productivity, lamb growth rate and some biochemical parameters of blood serum

Keywords: suspension of nanodiamonds, serum, live weight, chemical composition of milk


The article highlights the results of 0.005 % and 0.02 % ultra-fine suspension of nanodiamonds introduction effective methods  determination and perspectives of using as a possible activator physiological and biochemical status and improvement of the productive qualities of Kharkov interbreed type of Prekos sheep. Implementation of tasks of the work included the use of complex conventional analytical, zootechnical, biochemical, biometric methods. During the previous experiments the chemical composition of ewes’ milk improvement was established, with fat content increasing and a somatic cells significant reduction. In particular, by the content fat content, ewes of the experimental group had a slight advantage of 5.7 % over the representatives of the control group, whereas by the protein content, on the contrary, were inferior by 13.3 %. The dry matter, dry skim and lactose mass content were almost at the same level. The suspension of nanodiamonds for the young animals provided a slight increase in the growth rate, preservations level and the improvement of the general physiological state. In general, for the period from 20 days to 3 months of age, the suspension of nanodiamonds increased the average daily growth of experimental lambs, which were 10.6–11.3 % higher than the control ones, which led to an increase of live weight during weaning at 6.7 % and 6.9 % against control. In addition, a slight increase of total protein by 2.7 and 8.6 %, albumin by 2.2 and 3.1 %, gamma globulin by 5.6 and 1.8 %, A / D ratio by 9.5 and 13.5 % and glucose by 1.6 % in serum of young animals of the experimental groups at the end of the experiment in both cases of comparison indicates an increase in blood-forming functions and a certain increase of metabolic processes, which is confirmed by higher body mass. However, these differences were at the trend level. Nanodiamonds suspension administration in various ways (oral and subcutaneous) had no significant difference. In order to further identify the mechanism of the effect of the suspension of nanodiamonds on the sheep organism, a longer test of its use should be conducted with the involvement of larger animal groups and the expansion of a number of physiological studies.


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How to Cite
Korkh, I., Pomitun, I., КоsovaN., Boyko, N., Pankiv, L., Ryazanov, P., Ivashchenko, V., & Borodin, V. (2019). Detonation synthesis ultrafine suspension of nanodiamonds influence at ewes productivity, lamb growth rate and some biochemical parameters of blood serum . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1-2(36-37), 58-67.