Keywords: anemia, hemoglobin, maintenance, gains, costs.


The article studied the dependence of the hemoglobin content in the blood of piglets before the administration of drugs and on the 28th day of life, the health status of piglets and the level of their mortality in the weaning period and in the rearing period, the survival of piglets before weaning and during rearing, the intensity of their growth before weaning and during rearing on the intramuscular administration of the iron-containing drugs Ferovita 200 and Uniferon 200 on the third day of life of piglets. It was found that the introduction of iron-containing preparations in both groups of piglets on the 28th day of life, compared to the 3rd day of life, caused a probable increase in blood hemoglobin content by 2.16 g/l (29.11%) (р<0.001) in the control group and by 2.93 g/l (39.07%) (р<0.01) in the experimental group. At the same time, the use of the drug Uniferon 200 contributed to increase the haemoglobin content in the blood of the experimental animals by 8.87% or 0.85 g/l 25 days after its administration (р<0.01 compared to the group of animals administered the drug Ferrovita 200 at that time. It was proved that when the drug Uniferon 200 was administered to the animals, there was a tendency to decrease the average daily gains in the post-weaning period by 12.9 g or 5.33%, absolute gains by 0.27 kg or 5.33%, to a reduction of 0.25 kg (5.39%) in the weight of piglets when transferred to growth and of 2.60% in the survival rate of piglets in the postweaning period compared to the analogues injected with Ferovita 200 at that time. It was found that in the group of piglets injected with the drug Ferrovita 200 on the third day of life, all piglets died during the first week of life, mainly diagnosed with hypotrophy, while in the counterparts administered the drug Uniferona 200 during the first week of life, all piglets died in the first week of life, mainly with the diagnosis of hypotrophy, while among the counterparts who were administered the drug Uniferona 200 during this period, only 71.4% died in the first week of life, and the rest in later periods this group had asphyxia. It was found that during the rearing period there was a tendency to increase average daily gains by 2.63%, absolute gains by 0.60 kg (2.65%), weight of piglets at the end of the rearing period by 0.36 kg (1.24%) and improvement in feed conversion by 0.04 kg (2.31%) in the animals injected with the drug Uniferon 200 on the third day of life compared to the animals injected with the drug Ferrovita 200 during this period. It was found that throughout the study period there was a tendency for a slight increase in average daily gains by 1.19%, absolute gains by 0.33 kg and weight of piglets at transfer to fattening by 1.24%, but poorer survival rate of piglets by 3.9% in the group of animals injected with the iron-containing drug Uniferona 200 on the third day after birth compared to the analogs using the drug Ferrovita 200.


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How to Cite
Povod, M. H., Mykhalko, O. H., Hutyi, B. V., Lumedze, T. S.-M., Lumedze, T. S.-M., Verbelchuk, T. V., & Moisei, I. S. (2023). DEPENDENCE ON THE GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVITY OF PIGLETS DURING THE SUCCESS PERIOD AND ON THE GROWING PERIOD ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE IRON-CONTAINING PRECAUTIONS FEROVITA 200 AND UNIFERON 200. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3), 40-49.