Keywords: pigs, technology, breeding methods, reproductive traits, breeding index.


The increase in pork production largely depends on the number of sows in the farms and their productivity. Obviously, in order to offset the low reproductive performance of sows, it is necessary to increase their number in order to produce the planned amount of products. An increase in the number of sows means an increase in the number of machines, equipment, premises and, accordingly, the entire cost chain for raising suckling piglets. Therefore, increasing the number of sows is not economically justified. A more effective option is to use hybridization and crossbreeding, which will increase productivity levels due to the influence of heterosis. In the presented research, the aim was to compare the productive qualities of sows of Danish and Canadian origin in the conditions of industrial technology of pork production on the basis of the farm LLC «Agro Novorayske», Kherson region. The material of the research was the productive and reproductive qualities of F1 sows obtained from Landrace and Large White animals of Danish origin inseminated with Danish Duroc boar sperm (control group I) and their F1 counterparts obtained from Canadian Large White and Landrace pigs inseminated with Canadian Duroc boar sperm (experimental group II). The performance of the experimental animals was evaluated according to generally accepted methods in pig production. The parameters of feeding, watering, housing, care and prevention of animals in the experiments complied with European legislation on animal protection and welfare. Sows of Danish origin in the conditions of the industrial complex of southern Ukraine were characterized by 11.1% higher fertility, 9.0% higher number of piglets in the nest at farrowing and, as a result, 7.6 and 9.1% higher complex indices of reproductive qualities. Representatives of the Canadian selection had a 2.0% lower proportion of stillborn piglets, 10.9% and 7.5% higher piglet weights at birth and weaning, and 2.1% higher piglet survival during the suckling period. At the same time, in terms of average daily and absolute growth of suckling piglets and nest weight, no significant difference was found between the animals of the experimental groups.


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How to Cite
Voloshynov, V. V., & Povod, M. H. (2023). PRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF SOWS OF DANISH AND CANADIAN BREEDING IN THE INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 3-9.