Plagiarism policy
Journal “Bulletin of SNAU. The series: Livestock” considers only original articles that have not been published yet (in whole or in part) and are not considered in other journals.
Today plagiarism is a significant problem in modern science. The journal editorial board declares the inadmissibility of using someone others work without confirmation of authorship or the provision of relevant references in the materials submitted for consideration.
The editor uses the Unicheck system to detect plagiarism.
If plagiarism is detected in the submitted materials or information about dishonest is received, the editorial board conducts an investigation. This applies to both published and non-published materials.
If possible, the editors follow the schemes proposed by COPE. First, the editors seek clarification from the authors of such materials. In the conditions of confirmation of plagiarism facts and dishonest behavior, the authors may be refused to consider the submitted materials. In addition, authors may be denied the right to submit other articles, and their employer may be notified of the need for an internal investigation.
In cases of plagiarism, the authors are liable. The editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of SNAU. The series: Livestock” provides support to authors whose copyrights have been violated and who have become victims of plagiarism.