To the epizootology of intestinal yersiniosis in dogs
The paper presents materials on serological screening tests to determine the level of Y. enterocolitica contamination in dogs of different gender, ages, housing and feeding conditions. The diagnostic was based on agglutination reaction using locally produced yersiniose antigens of serovars 0: 3, 0: 6.30, 0: 9, which are the most common among animals. The largest number of positive reactions were detected to Yersinia antigen O: 9 -114 samples, which amounted to 46.9%. 49 positive serum samples were detected for antigen 0: 6.30 - 20.2%, and 9.9% for antigen 0: 3. In 23% of cases mixed serovar positive reactions are established. Heterogeneity of serovars contamination of the causative agent of intestinal yersiniosis in different regions of Ukraine has been established. Positively responding animals are mainly 1-3 years. There are isolated cases of positive serological reactions in dogs over 4 years. There is no significant sexual and breed predisposition of this species to intestinal yersiniosis.. It has been shown that the serum of certain individuals contained noteworthy titers of antibodies to intestinal yersiniosis, which may indicate a disease or active bacterial carrier and the potential for environment contamination. The average titer in canine serum were: O: 3 1: 190.5, O: 6.30 - 1: 291.4 and O: 9 - 1: 364. In different housing and feeding conditions for dogs, the spread of the microorganism throughout the population varies from 40.7 to 85%.
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