Keywords: veterinary medicine, prevention, microorganisms, disinfectants.


The search for new highly effective disinfectants for the prevention of infectious diseases remains relevant to this day. In the short term, drugs must eliminate pathogens, which requires a special approach to the selection of methods and means of disinfection. For practical veterinary medicine, drugs that provide complex virulicidal, bactericidal and fungicidal effects are of particular interest. The task of disinfection is to prevent or eliminate the processes of accumulation, reproduction and spread of pathogens by destroying or removing them from objects and objects, which ensures the interruption of the ways of transmission of infectious agents. In this connection, there was a need to develop and test new disinfectants. Our research was aimed at studying the properties and application of bactericidal drugs based on Ag silver nanoparticles and the combination with bismuth (Ag+Bi), as well as bacteriological and fungicidal evaluation of the improved disinfectant preparation SANDEZVET (SDV) based on quaternary ammonium compounds (CHAS) and amines, which theoretically substantiate and practically confirm the effectiveness of its use in poultry farming. It was established that the bactericidal effect of the matrix solution of Ag and Ag+Bi nanoparticles occurred only after 24 hours at a temperature of 37.5 (±0.5) o C. When studying the bactericidal effect of the "SANDEZVET" disinfectant on test cultures (Escherichia coli, Salmonella Dublin, Staphylococcus aureus), as well as Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomona auroginosa, it was established that the disinfectant acts bactericidally against enterobacteria in concentrations of 0.5% with exposure 1 hour at a temperature of 37.5(±0.5) o C. When using the combination of SDV+surfactant (0.02%), the bactericidal effect of the drug on test objects against pathogenic types of microorganisms is demonstrated by a 1% solution of SDV+surfactant with an exposure of 0.5 hours. "SANEZVET" disinfectant can be used as a fungistatic agent against mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus Mich. and Penicillium Link at 3.0% concentration and as fungicidal at 5.0% concentration for 60 min. It has been established that 5% concentration of the drug SDV+surfactant kills fungi that infect straw, husks and wood shavings within 24 hours. Based on the obtained results, the "SANDEZVET" tool can be used for disinfection of various production facilities and infectious diseases of bacterial and fungal etiology


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How to Cite
Nalivayko, L. I., & Boyko, V. S. (2023). STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES OF NEW DISINFECTANTS REGARDING ENTEROBACTERIA AND FUNGI. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3(62), 79-85.