Keywords: breast tumors, dogs, cats, treatment methods, chemotherapy


An analysis of literature data related to methods of treatment of mammary gland tumors in dogs and cats was carried out. Despite numerous and many years of research, there is still a need to find effective methods of treatment of oncological pathology. A comprehensive review of current research in this field is important from the point of view of assessing prospects. Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of tumor and the stage of development of the oncological process. This treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, pain relief, and a combination of these methods. Most often, in both dogs and cats, surgical resection is used, the effectiveness of which is influenced by the age and size of the animal, the histological type and size of the tumor, as well as the time between its diagnosis and surgery. At this time, early detection and properly planned surgical intervention play an important role. There are many histological variants of breast tumors with diverse biological behavior. An important factor for increasing the effectiveness of the fight against oncological pathology is early diagnosis. Several classes of chemotherapy drugs are used as primary or adjunctive therapy. Chemotherapy can prolong survival or the period of remission, but is not a radical method. Early tumor detection and correct and timely treatment improves overall survival. Recently, some attention in the field of veterinary oncology began to be paid to targeted therapy and immunotherapy. In particular, interferons are used during various oncological diseases and their effectiveness is studied in clinical trials, including during mammary gland tumors in dogs and cats. Understanding the interaction of neoplasms and the body's immune system is necessary for the rational and effective development of immunotherapy methods for the oncological pathology of mammary gland tumors in dogs and cats.


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How to Cite
SamoilіukV. V., Masyuk, D. D., Sklyarov, P. M., & Lieshova, M. O. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF TREATMENT OF MAMMARY GLAND TUMORS IN CATS AND DOGS (OVERVIEW INFORMATION). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1(64), 64-71.