Keywords: bees, climate, ascopherosis, aspergillosis, Chernihiv region


The article presents the results of studying the impact of changes in weather conditions and climate on the viability of honey bees in the Chernihiv region. Climate change is an urgent issue because it can have serious consequences for apiary productivity and ecological balance. The purpose of the study is to study changes in honey bee populations, their physiological state and productivity due to climate change. The study showed that changes in climatic conditions affect the physiological state and productivity of honey bees. 18 apiaries were studied, in the active and inactive season of 2023, the development of mycosis diseases was diagnosed, calcareous brood (ascopherosis) was registered in 10 apiaries (55.55%), stone brood (aspergillosis) in 2 apiaries (11.11%) , and mixed fungal diseases were registered in 3 apiaries (16.66%), bacteriosis in 1 apiary (5.55%) and parasitosis in 2 apiaries (11.11%). The regional incidence of calcareous growth was noted in the south-eastern part of the Chernihiv region (66.66% of positive samples). The disease season of calcareous brood shows that more than 38.8% of cases occur at the end of the beekeeping season, and in the inactive months of the season (January – February) the incidence is minimal (11.11% of cases). This is explained by the dependence on the evolution of brood development in the hives and probably due to the protective effect of propolis, which the hives are lined with at the end of the active season, which has an antiseptic effect during the idle period (November, December, January and February). There is a slight increase in the number of cases in the spring months (March, April, May), when the bee brood develops (22.22%) and progressively increases in the summer (June, July, August). The presence of calcareous growth in 55.55% of cases, together with the main bacterial diseases, shows that the common element of disease-causing bacteria and fungal formations are in the deficiency of the immune system. Therefore, this work is an important contribution to the development of scientific knowledge about ecological interactions and contributes to further research in this field. The conclusions and recommendations presented in the work can be used for the practical implementation of strategies for the protection and support of honey bee populations in changed climatic conditions.


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How to Cite
Fotin, A. I., & Kovalenko, I. A. (2024). MONITORING OF BEE DISEASES IN CHERNIHIV REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1(64), 77-82.