Keywords: soybean, variety, weather conditions, seed quality, protein content, amino acid composition.


A significant advantage of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) over other crops is its high protein content and balanced amino acid composition. In this regard, the issue of using soybean varieties, whose cultivation could meet the needs of the food industry, as well as the development of an optimal fertilization system to allow revealing the genotypic potential of qualitative indicators of soybean grain, becomes relevant. Despite the balanced natural chemical composition of soybeans, the application of mineral fertilizers can increase its quality indicators. Currently, in Ukraine, the issue of the effect of varietal characteristics and different rates of mineral fertilizers on the amino acid composition of soybeans is not sufficiently studied. The research was aimed at studying the features of the formation of the content of protein and amino acids in soybeans depending on weather conditions, varietal characteristics, and fertilization in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. The study of the effect of calculated (N45P65K85) and recommended (N60P60K60) fertilizer rates on the formation of the quality of soybeans of different maturity groups (Komandor, Triada, and Tenor) was carried out in terms of the educational-scientificproduction complex (ESPC) of the Sumy National Agrarian University during 2020–2022. As the results of research, the influence of weather conditions on the protein content of soybeans has been established, where the distribution of temperature and precipitation in 2020 was the most favorable for the formation of the maximum protein content (41.3%) in soybeans for the years under study. The influence of varietal characteristics on this indicator has also been revealed. The most protein-containing among the varieties was the Tenor variety (42.1%). The early ripening Komandor variety had a slightly lower protein content – 41.9%. The lowest protein content characteristic for the early ripening variety Triada – 40.0%. Among the studied rates of mineral fertilizers, the highest protein content was obtained when applying the estimated and recommended rates of fertilizers – 41.7–41.8%, respectively. During the research, a tendency to increase the content of most amino acids in the middle-early variety Tenor was observed. An increase in the content of amino acids both replaceable and non-replaceable in soybeans due to the application of mineral fertilizers has been recorded. The only exception was indispensable methionine, whose content decreased by 0.04–0.09 g/100 g when mineral fertilizers were applied compared to the control.


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How to Cite
Bruniov, M. I., & Dudka, A. A. (2023). EFFECT OF FERTILIZER ON PROTEIN CONTENT AND ITS AMINO ACID COMPOSITION IN SOY SEEDS OF DIFFERENT MATURITY GROUPS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE LEFT BANK FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 54(4), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2023.4.2