For Authors
“Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Agronomy and Biology” accepts articles, which have not been published and submitted to other journals, which contain original research findings in relevant subject areas and specialties (biological sciences (091 “Biology”), natural sciences (101 “Ecology”) and agrarian sciences and food (201 “Agronomy”, 202 “Plant protection and quarantine”, 205 “Forestry” and 206 “Horticulture”).
Languages: Ukrainian and English
To publish an article in “Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Agronomy and Biology”, No. 1 (2025), you should take the following steps until February 25, 2025 (inclusively): fill in an application form at the link and send below-mentioned materials to
- an article, which meets all the requirements;
- a copy of payment confirmation (an author receives payment details after passing peer-review).
Example of a file name: Ivanenko_article, Ivanenko_receipt
All materials received by the editors are subject to peer review (internal anonymous).
Articles that do not meet the below requirements and guidelines are sent back to the author(s) with recommendations for improving.
The editors reserve the right to change the article’s title, reduce it, and make editorial alterations (technical, literary and scientific editing).
Each article is assigned with DOI (digital object identifier).
The editors provide the author with payment details after reviewing the article and approving it for publication.
The publication fee is 1000 UAH (for 14 pages inclusively). Each extra page is paid additionally (40 UAH). The publication fee covers the costs associated with peer review, article editing and proofreading, page planning, and publication of the journal’s electronic version.
If desired, the author can order a printed copy. It costs 800 UAH paid which is paid additionally to the publication fee.
The journal’s electronic will be publicly available on the website until April 30, 2025.
The printed version will be sent to the authors who order it until May 30, 2025.
The editorial staff of the journal carries out an internal anonymous review of the article, after which the author is provided with details for paying the publication fee.
Articles in the publication are checked for plagiarism using software from the Polish company
Article volume – from 14 to 30 A4 pages, incl. abstracts, tables, figures, and bibliographic lists. If the article contains significant research findings, it can be extended by the decision of the editorial board.
All margins – 2.0 cm; line spacing – 1.5; Times New Roman – 14; paragraph indention – 1.25 cm (it is not allowed creating indent using the Tab key and space characters); text is justified. It is mandatory to use dashes in the text, not hyphens, between numbers to indicate quantitative limits (e.g., 10 – 15 tons) or time interval (e.g., 2010 – 2015). It is essential to insert non-breaking spaces (Ctrl+Shift+Space) between initials, as well as between initials and surname (e.g., Ivanenko I. I.), numbers and units of measurement (e.g., 10 kg, 23 °С), dates (e.g., XX c.).
Formulas should be designed using Equation Editor, which is Microsoft Word’s internal formula editor. The components of in-text formulas are in italics.
Tables and figures must have a title and serial number. They are placed after the first reference to them in the text. References to the table and figures are given in parentheses (Table 1, Fig. 1). The figure should be in the center and have a name (Fig. 1. Name of the drawing).
In-text references are designed as follows (Surname, year). For example, one author – Biró, 2014), two authors – (Kahmen & Poschlod, 2008), three and more authors – (Zlobin et al., 2009; Trnka et al., 2016).
Additional text requirements:
- it is recommended to use active voice in the text;
- there should be a non-breaking interval (!) between values and the abbreviated name of measurement units;
- all citations should be presented in the article’s language (regardless of the original language) and be accompanied by references to the source and a specific page (e.g., (Ivanov, 2016, p. 23));
- the abbreviation should be indicated in the text in brackets after the first mention of the corresponding full phrase; it is important to distinguish between the symbols “-”, “–”, and “—” within the manuscript. The latter is not used in the manuscripts;
- abbreviations of scientific terms are not allowed;
- it is mandatory to use internationally recognized signs and symbols (SI units);
- taxon and syntaxon names are in italics. The full name of the taxon is given only once at first reference (Quercus robur L.). Further as the text goes, the name of the species is given in an abbreviated form - Q. robur.
UDC (on the left without paragraph indentation);
Article title should briefly elucidate about its content, consist of no more than 14 words and be of interest to the international scientific community (centre aligned, capitals).
Information about the authors comprises full name, scientific degree, academic title, institution name, city, country, ORCID, and e-mail. If the author does not have ORCID, it is necessary to create an account at the link
! If the article has several co-authors, information about the author is provided for each of them separately.
Article elements (with a separate indication within the text):
1) Introduction (problem statement in general and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks, analysis of recent research and publications, the research goal). These elements comprise the introduction part but are not highlighted as individual elements. During the analysis of recent works and publications, there must be at least 15 contributions published in the last five years with doi, predominantly in English. 2) Methodology/Methods (source material, research methodology and research conditions). The section should contain detailed and complete information about the research course and methods. If necessary, the section is divided into sub-sections. 3) Results (presentation of research findings). It involves tables and figures.4) Discussion (substantiation of research findings and their comparison with the available ones in the same or related fields). It is essential to generalize results and compare them with 10-20 results of other studies).! “Results” and “Discussion” cannot be combined into one section.5) Conclusions (presentation of basic research findings; the focus is on novelty and practical application of data obtained, as well as on prospects of further research in the same field. The section consists of 5-10 sentences which are presented as a straight text.6) References
1) The list is given alphabetical.
2) The total number of items is at least 30 for an original contribution and 100 for a review.
3) The publication entry should include all authors, without reducing their number.
4) References to dissertations, online publications, thesis synopses, reports, and regulations of specific countries are unwelcomed.
5) References list should meet the requirements of American Psychological Association (АРА) ( It recommended to use If a literature source has a digital object identifier (doi), it is mentioned after its data.
Bibliography example
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2019). Title of book. Publishing house, City. doi
Гродзинський, Д. М. Чотиримовний словник назв рослин (українсько-російсько-англійсько-латинський). Фітосоціоцентр, Київ. doi (if any).
After transliteration, the publication title has the following form (in square brackets, there is the translation of the publication title in English in accordance with its English abstract):
Grodzyns'kyj, D. M. Chotyrymovnyj slovnyk nazv roslyn (ukrai'ns'ko-rosijs'ko-anglijs'ko-latyns'kyj) [A four-language dictionary of plant names (Ukrainian-Russian-English-Latin)]. Fitosociocentr, Kyi'v, 312 (in Ukrainian). doi (if any).
Journal articles:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2019). Title of article. Title of Journal, vv(n), pp–pp. doi
Zlobin, Yu. A. (2018). Algoritm ocіnky vіtalіtetu osobin roslin і vіtalіtetnoy struktury fіtopopuljacіj [An algorithm for assessing the vitality of plant individuals and the vitality structure of phytopopulations]. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 14(3), 213–226 (in Ukrainian).
- Abstracts in two languages (Ukrainian and English) with the indication of the author’s full name, article title, and keywords.
The abstract volume (both Ukrainian and English) is 2000-2500 characters.
The abstract should be relevant, informative, original, meaningful, and written in proficient English.
The text should be well-structured and comprise the following elements, which are not separated: an introductory sentence, a brief description of the research methods, a description of main findings (50–70% of the abstract), and concise conclusions. The abstract gives information about the general scope of the article.
Prohibition of using scientific works of the occupying country
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
УДК 635.1/.7:635.25:631.5
Новікова Анна Віталіївна
кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, асистент
Сумський національний аграрний університет, м. Суми, Україна
ORCID: 0000-0003-1515-5593
Вперше у богарних умовах північно-східного Лісостепу України розроблено та науково обґрунтовано елементи технології вирощування цибулі ріпчастої в озимій культурі для сортів довгого та гібриду короткого дня з насіння і сіянки.
Ключові слова: цибуля, спосіб вирощування, строки сівби (садіння), система удобрення, кулісні посіви. (обсяг анотації 2000–2500 знаків)
Вступ. Цибуля ріпчаста за поживною цінністю і використанням займає одне з провідних місць серед овочевих культур в Україні.
Матеріали і методи досліджень. Вихідним матеріалом для досліджень були 2 сорти цибулі української селекції (Ткаченківська, Маяк) …
Результати досліджень. Збільшення дози добрив сприяє поліпшенню поживного режиму …
Обговорення. В сучасному розумінні озима культура овочів – це система технологічних заходів …
Висновки. Використання біологізованої системи удобрення (Біодеструктор 1л/га + N60P60K60+ Емістим С 10мл/кг), сприяє прискоренню появи сходів цибулі ріпчастої за вирощування з насіння на 1‒3 доби …
Бібліографічні посилання:
- Jongtae, Lee; Jin-Seong, Moon; Juyeon, Kim; Gwi-Ok, Park; Jin-Hyeuk, Kwon; In-Jong, Ha; Young-Seok, Kwon & Young-Ho, Chang (2020). Evaluation of onion cultivars as affected by bulb maturity and bulb characteristics of intermediate-day yellow onions in South Korea. Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 95, 645‒660. doi: 10.1080/14620316.2020.1742586
Novikova A.V., PhD (Agricultural Sciences), Assistant, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine
For the first time the elements of onion growing technique during winter sowing in northeastern forest-steppe Ukraine for both long day and short-day plants grown from seeds and seedlings are theoretically substantiated.
Key words: onion, method sowing, sowing (planting) date, fertilizer system, coulisse planting. (обсяг анотації 2000–2500 знаків)
Дата надходження до редакції: 15.01.2020 р.