In today's world, the issues of biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation are closely interconnected. They involve the implementation of a set of measures aimed at preventing the loss of forest resources in individual regions and the planet as a whole. In this context, understanding the characteristics and patterns of populations of forest plants, including those forming the herbaceous layer, becomes crucial. The purpose of this publication was to establish and analyze the ontogenetic and vitality structures of populations of Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh in the forest phytocenoses of the Göttingen Forest, located in southern Lower Saxony, Germany. Six populations were studied, which grew in phytocenoses differing in age, management practices, and nature conservation regimes. The ontogenetic and vitality structures of L. vernus populations were studied according to commonly accepted approaches. Vitality analysis indicated that all studied populations of L. vernus are balanced, with a quality index (Q) ranging from 0.2000 to 0.3000. Primary forests showed the least representation of individuals with the highest vitality level, accounting for 20.0–23.3%. In old forests under forest management, their share is 1.4–2.4 times higher, ranging from 33.3% to 56.7%. It was found that all studied populations have incomplete ontogenetic structures. Four populations have well-defined centered spectra, characterized by the predominance of generative individuals. In general, in terms of ontogenetic structure, populations showed significantly greater differences compared to vitality structure, with variations in the values of the regeneration index from 8.82% to 60.0%, generativity from 33.33% to 82.35%, and aging index from 0 to 38.24% (according to I.M. Kovalenko). Against the background of forest management application, a significant increase in the range of values for regeneration and generativity indices was recorded, and, as a result, the representation of populations of different ontogenetic types: young, transitional, mature. Populations from primeval phytocenoses were exclusively "mature." The objectively established facts about the vitality and ontogenetic structure confirm that L. vernus is a species sensitive not only to changes in ecologo-cenotic features of phytocenoses but also to the forest management system and the peculiarities of protection regimes implemented in primeval forests. The results of the assessment of ontogenetic and vitality structures indicate that the conditions of the Göttingen Forest, located in southern Lower Saxony, Germany, are favorable for the formation and functioning of L. vernus populations.
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