The article presents the results of floristic research conducted during July – October 2023 on the territory of the Bereznyan Forestry, Chernihiv Forestry within the Chernihiv District of the Chernihiv Region, in the vicinity of the villages: Snovyanka, Petrovo, Gorytsia, Boromyki, Morgulichi, Bigach. The territory of research refers to the Chernihiv Polissya, which is one of the richest centers of phytodiversity in the northern part of the left bank of Ukraine, the hydrological and climatic conditions of which are favorable for the formation of forest phytocenoses of various types. The percentage of the protected area of the research region is 46%, which gives reasons to state that the plant cover of this territory is of sufficient rare value. The forest massifs are dominated by medieval and emerging stands, in some places by old mature areas within the nature reserve territories. During the research, 42 habitats of 11 rare species of vascular plants were identified, namely: 3 species from the Red Book of Ukraine (Lycopodium annotinum L., Lilium martagon L., Epipactis helleborine L.), and 8 regionally rare species (Equisetum hyemale L., Polypodium vulgare L., Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn,, Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Rchb. (J. pseudocyanoides Klokov), Vinca minor L., Fragaria moschata (Duchesne) Weston, Digitalis lanata Ehrh, Chimaphila umbellata (L. ) W. Barton.). Most of the finds of rare species of vascular plants were discovered, both in typical and nontypical conditions of local growth, in the territories of the nature reserve fund of local status, in particular: in the forest reserves: "Malieve", "Bigatskyi forest", in the botanical reserve "Tserkivka ", in the protected tracts: "Morgulichi" and "Lutsykiv gai", which are characterized by various biotope conditions – from excessively moistened, shaded areas to illuminated terraced forest and floodplains. Identified places of rare flora were recorded using GPS navigation with a link to an interactive map of the Google Maps resource with coordinates corresponding to each locality.
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