The results of the study of the influence of forest plantations on the aggregate-size distribution and size distribution of water-stable aggregates of southern chernozems are given. Soil samples were taken from zonal southern chernozems, as well as southern chernozems under R. pseudoacacia and Q. robur plantations, near the city of Zelenodolsk (Kryvyі Rih district, Dnipropetrovsk region). The study of the aggregate-size distribution and size distribution of water-stable aggregates of southern chernozems under different types of vegetation was carried out according to the method of M.I. Savinov, using soil fractionation in the air-dry state and in water. The growth of R. pseudoacacia and Q. robur plantations on southern chernozems led to an increase in the content of aggregates of fractions 5–7, 3–5, 2–3 mm and a decrease in the content of aggregates of fractions 0.5–1, 0.25–0.5 and <0.25 mm compared to the zonal southern chernozem. It was established that the effect of planting R. pseudoacacia on changes in content in southern chernozem of aggregates of fractions 7–10, 5–7, 2–3, and <0.25 mm differs from the effect of planting Q. robur. According to the size, 3 related groups of aggregates are distinguished: more than 5 mm, from 2 to 5 mm and less than 2 mm. The influence of plantations on southern chernozems led to an increase in the content of water-stable aggregates of the 2–3, 1–2, and 0.5–1 mm fractions and a simultaneous decrease in the content of water-stable aggregates of the < 0.25 mm fraction compared to the zonal southern chernozem. The affinity of water-stable aggregates of fractions from 1 to > 5 mm in southern chernozems under steppe vegetation and R. pseudoacacia plantations and their difference from similar fractions in southern chernozem under Q. robur plantations was established. Water-stable aggregates of fractions from < 0.25 to 1 mm in southern chernozems are related regardless of the type of vegetation that grows on them. The most significant changes in the structural and aggregate composition of southern chernozems, which are caused by the growth of forest plantations, are characteristic of their upper genetic horizons H1. The research results show that the Q. robur plantation is characterized by a more pronounced positive effect on the aggregate-size distribution and size distribution of water-stable aggregates of southern chernozems compared to the R. pseudoacacia plantation. The identified features of the structural and aggregate composition of southern chernozems and its changes under the influence of forest plantations in the conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine can be used in the development of practical measures to preserve and restore the fertility and ecological state of these soils.
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